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Speed Your Reading Rate: The Science of Reading Faster

Rushing through a book often means missing important details and understanding less of the text. However, some techniques can help speed up your reading rate. In this post, we’ll explore the science of reading faster and share tips to help you get through your next book more quickly.

So, whether you’re trying to keep up with a quick-read novel or want to be more efficient in your studies, read on for some helpful advice!

How do our brains process information when we read?

The average person reads around 200 words per minute (wpm), but some people can read much faster. For instance, the world speed reading champion can read up to 80 pages per minute. So how do our brains process information when we read quickly?

woman speed reading

Interestingly, research suggests that people who can read quickly don’t necessarily get more out of a text than those who read slower.

Instead, they’re better at skimming a text’s surface and picking out the main ideas. When we read quickly, we don’t decode each word individually; instead, our brain uses contextual clues to guess what a word might be. This is why we can sometimes misread words when we’re reading quickly.

So, if you want to improve your reading speed, don’t worry about decoding each word perfectly. Instead, focus on understanding the text’s central idea and using contextual clues to fill in the gaps. With practice, your reading speed will improve naturally.

The benefits of reading faster.

There’s even a scientific term for it: “rate enhancement.” The benefits of reading faster are numerous. For one, it can help you save time. If you’re a student tasked with reading a textbook or other large assignment, being able to read faster can help you get through the material more quickly.

In addition, research has shown that reading faster can lead to improved comprehension. When you read quickly, your mind can better retain and recall information later. And finally, reading faster can be enjoyable. The next time you settle down with a good book, see if you can challenge yourself to read faster than usual. You may be surprised at how much fun it is – and how much ground you can cover.

Take a timed test to see how many words per minute (WPM) you can read without sacrificing comprehension.

This will give you a baseline to work from as you try to improve your reading speed.

You can use several online tools to take a timed reading test. One popular option is the Free Reading Speed Test by Acer Reader. To take the test, simply enter a piece of text and start reading. This test features a short passage followed by multiple-choice questions. After you finish reading, answer as many questions as possible within the time limit. Your WPM score will be displayed when you’re finished.

This will give you a starting point to improve your reading speed.

Assuming the average person reads around 200 words per minute, this blog post would take approximately one minute and forty seconds to read. However, depending on the reader’s level of comprehension, it could take longer or shorter.

How To Read Super Fast With Full Understanding

Tips for improving your reading speed.

If you’re interested in reading faster, there are a few things you can do to improve your speed.

  • First, make sure you’re taking regular breaks while you read. Our brains can only process so much information at once, so it’s essential to give your mind a break now and then. Try setting a timer for every 20 minutes or so and taking a quick break to walk around or grab a snack.
  • Try to find a comfortable reading position. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important: if you’re not comfortable, you’re more likely to lose focus and have to re-read sections.
  • Make sure you’re using a reading method that works for you. Some people prefer to read aloud, while others find using their fingers or a bookmark helpful to keep track of their place.
  • Experiment until you find a reading technique that helps you focus and read faster.

Tips for improving your comprehension skills.

If you’re looking to improve your reading comprehension skills, there are a few things you can do to help yourself out.

  • Make sure that you’re reading material that is at an appropriate level for you. If the material is too difficult, you will likely get frustrated and give up.
  • Take the time to read actively – that is, pay attention to what you’re reading and try to summarize it in your own words as you go along.
  • Don’t be afraid to re-read sections you found confusing the first time. The more familiar you are with the material, the easier it will be to understand.
  • Practice makes perfect, so keep at it, and you’ll see your comprehension skills improve in no time!

Practice makes perfect.

The adage “practice makes perfect” is more true than we realize, especially regarding reading.


The act of reading is quite complex, involving many different skills, such as eye movement control, word recognition, and comprehension. When we first learn to read, these skills are relatively undeveloped.

However, with practice, they gradually improve. Our eye muscles become stronger and more coordinated, allowing us to move our eyes more efficiently across the page. Our brain becomes better at recognizing words, making it possible to read faster.

So find a book you’re interested in, settle down in a comfortable spot, and see how fast you can read it! You may be surprised at how much your speed improves with practice.

How do you improve your focus and concentration while reading?

The ability to read quickly with good comprehension depends on several factors, including prior knowledge of the subject matter and your “mental set” or attitude toward the task. The following suggestions may help you improve your focus and concentration while reading:

  • Preview the material before you begin reading.
  • Try to identify the purpose of your reading.
  • Eliminate distractions from your environment.
  • Set a specific goal for yourself before you begin reading.
  • Turn off electronics and put away anything that might distract you.
  • Take breaks frequently to avoid boring yourself.

With practice, you should develop a reading style that works best for you, allowing you to read more quickly with good comprehension. The most important thing is to find a method that helps you to maintain your focus and concentration while reading.

Exercises you can do to improve your reading speed and comprehension.

Reading quickly and comprehending what you’ve read is a skill that can be learned and improved with practice. The following exercises can help you develop this important skill. 

  • Exercise 1: Practice chunking information. Most people read by focusing on a word, then moving on to the next word, and so forth. However, there are more efficient ways to read. A better method is to “chunk” information by grouping words together into meaningful units. For example, when reading the sentence “The cat slept on the mat,” you could fixate your gaze on “The cat” and then “slept on the mat” rather than reading each word individually. This exercise will help you learn to chunk information so that you can read faster while still comprehending what you’re reading. 
  • Exercise 2: Use a pacer. A pacer is a tool that helps you keep track of your place while reading. There are a few different types of pacers, but one of the simplest is a pencil or your finger that you move along the page as you read. The goal is to keep up with the pacer so you don’t have to backtrack to find your place. This exercise will help improve your speed and accuracy when reading. 
  • Exercise 3: Increase your font size. This may sound like a counterintuitive way to improve your reading speed, but it can be pretty effective. When you increase the size of the font, it forces your brain to process the information more quickly. As a result, you learn to read faster without sacrificing comprehension. 

While there is no one silver bullet for improving reading speed and comprehension, these exercises can help you develop this important skill. With practice, you’ll be able to breeze through texts in no time!

10 Tips to Improve Your Reading Comprehension

Ensure your eyes are healthy and you’re not straining to see.

If you have trouble reading, it may be due to an eye condition that needs to be corrected. Make sure to visit an optometrist or ophthalmologist for an eye exam. Also, make sure that you’re not straining to see the text. If you are squinting or holding the text closer to your face than usual, it’s time to get reading glasses. 

People often think they need to increase the font size when they only need a pair of reading glasses. If you’ve been diagnosed with an eye condition, follow your doctor’s recommendations for treatment. Often, this will involve wearing corrective lenses or glasses. Another important thing is to adjust the lighting in your environment. If you’re reading in low light, it can strain your eyes. So try to find a well-lit spot to read in. By following these tips, you can ensure your eyes are healthy and not straining to see.

Some recommended reading materials to help improve your speed.

If you’re looking for some recommended reading materials to help improve your speed, there are a few good options.

  • One is How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler. This classic book covers everything from how to choose what books to read to practical methods for improving your reading speed and comprehension.
  • Another option is The Speed Reading Book by Tony Buzan. This book is filled with exercises and tips to help you improve your reading speed.
  • Finally, there is Double Your Reading Speed in 10 Minutes by Paul Scheele. This book provides a step-by-step program for improving reading speed and comprehension.

These books can help you learn how to read faster and comprehend what you’re reading. So check them out and see which one works best for you!

Double Your Reading Speed In Ten Minutes


Reading faster can give you a significant advantage in your professional and personal life. By using some of the techniques discussed in this article, you can train yourself to read faster and improve your comprehension simultaneously. Give them a try and see how much your reading speed improves. Thanks for reading!