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The Pressure to Be Perfect: Why Women Hide Their Beauty

We all know that feeling. You’ve just put your best foot forward, and you’re strutting your stuff with confidence – until you catch a glimpse of yourself in a mirror.

Suddenly, your confidence disappears as you are overcome with the realization that you are not perfect. You have a blemish, an imperfection in your hairline, or cellulite on your thighs.

And after that, you feel the need to hide. This is especially true for women, who are constantly pressured to present themselves as perfect beings.

In this blog post, we will explore why women hide their beauty and offer tips on how to stop doing this!

We are constantly bombarded with images of “perfect” people in the media.

The media is a major offender in promoting the pressure to be flawless. We are regularly assaulted with photos of airbrushed models and celebrities who have been Photoshopped beyond recognition. We are always comparing ourselves to pictures in the media and falling short.

Everywhere you go, there seems to be another lady with beautiful skin, a great figure, and perfect life. When you’re continuously assaulted with these pictures, it’s easy to feel like you don’t measure up.

The media tells us that we must be skinny, beautiful, and perfect to be happy and successful. But the reality is that these portrayals of “perfection” are often unrealistic and can lead to feelings of inadequacy and insecurity.

As a result, we start to believe that we need to look like them to be happy.

This is especially true for women, who are constantly pressured to present themselves as perfect beings.

One of the biggest reasons women hide their beauty is that they don’t feel like they measure up and are afraid of being judged. We live in a society that is quick to judge women based on their looks.

If you’re not skinny enough, you’re “fat”. If you don’t have perfect skin, you’re “ugly”. And if you don’t have perfect hair, you’re “frizzy.” The pressure to meet these unrealistic beauty standards can be overwhelming, leading to many women feeling like they need to hide their true selves.

When you find yourself comparing yourself to someone in the media, remember that the image you’re seeing is most likely not an accurate portrayal of reality. You are perfect, exactly as you are.

Pressure To Be Perfect | Spoken Word Poetry

The psychological effects of this pressure on women.

Most people don’t realize that this constant barrage of “perfect” people can have serious psychological effects on women 1. Exposure to images of “perfect” people can lead to body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and even depression.

This is especially true for young girls who are still developing their sense of self-worth. When you’re constantly bombarded with images of “perfect” people, it’s easy to start believing that you need to look like them to be happy and successful.

This can lead to serious psychological effects, including body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and depression. 2

Body dissatisfaction:

Body dissatisfaction is when you’re unhappy with your appearance and feel like you need to change how you look to be happy. This can lead to a fixation on dieting and exercise and an obsession with looking “perfect.”

Low self-esteem:

Low self-esteem is when you have a negative view of yourself. You may feel like you’re not good enough and constantly compare yourself to others. This can lead to feelings of insecurity and anxiety.


Depression is a serious mental illness that can be triggered by exposure to images of “perfect” people. Depression is characterized by feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, and despair.

If you’re exposed to images of “perfect” people, and you start to believe that you need to look like them to be happy, it’s easy to see how depression can set in. If you or someone you know is struggling with depression, please seek professional help.

So what can we do to stop this pressure?

The first step is to recognize that the media’s portrayal of “perfection” is often unrealistic and unattainable 3. It’s important to remember that airbrushing, Photoshopping, and other forms of image manipulation are common in the media. The people you see in magazines and TV are often not as perfect as they seem.

Second, stop comparing yourself to others. This is easier said than done, but it’s important to remember that everyone is unique and special in their way. You don’t need to look like someone else to be happy and successful.

So what can we do to stop this pressure

Finally, learn to love yourself for who you are. This is perhaps the most important step of all. If you learn to love and accept yourself, you’ll be able to stop worrying about what others think of you. You’ll be able to live your life more fully and freely, and you’ll be happier.

The pressure to be perfect is something that many women deal with daily. If you’re feeling the pressure, remember that you’re not alone. And more importantly, remember that you are perfect just the way you are.

How Perfectionism Holds Women Back?

It’s common for women to feel pressure to be perfect. Whether it’s in their career, home life, or appearance, women are constantly bombarded with messages that they need to do more and be more.

Perfectionism is the belief that if we can achieve enough, do enough, and be enough, we’ll finally be worthy of love and acceptance.

But the truth is that perfectionism is a never-ending quest that can never be fully attained. And the more we strive for perfection, the more we sacrifice our joy, relationships, and mental and physical health.

So instead of trying to meet some unattainable ideal, let’s focus on becoming the best version of ourselves that we can be.

Here are a few ways perfectionism can hold women back:

  • It keeps us from taking risks. If we constantly strive for perfection, we’ll never take any chances. And without taking risks, we’ll never achieve anything great.
  • It leads to procrastination. If we believe our work is never good enough, we’ll never get it done. We’ll keep putting it off until it’s “perfect.”
  • It causes us to miss out on opportunities. We might miss great opportunities if we’re too busy trying to be perfect.

So instead of letting perfectionism hold us back, let’s use it as motivation to become the best we can be.

So how can we stop hiding our beauty?

The first step is recognizing that we are not alone in this struggle. There are millions of women who feel just as insecure and just as pressured as you do. Acknowledging that you are not alone can help you to feel less isolated and more supported.

The second step is to start embracing your imperfections. Embrace the things that make you unique and different. These are the things that make you beautiful! Please stop trying to hide them and start flaunting them with pride.

The third step is to find other ways to express your beauty. If you don’t feel comfortable flaunting your physical appearance, there are different ways to express your beauty.

You can express your beauty through creativity, intelligence, or kindness. Find the things that make you shine from the inside out, and let them be a part of how you express your beauty to the world.

Stop hiding your light under a bushel! You are beautiful, and you should be proud of it! These are just a few tips to help you start embracing your beauty. Remember, you are perfect just the way you are. Embrace your imperfections, and let your light shine!

Tips for feeling more comfortable in your own skin.

If you’re looking for ways to feel better about yourself, here are a few tips that might help:

  • Focus on the things you like about yourself rather than dwelling on the things you don’t. It’s also important to remember that everyone has flaws, so you’re not alone in feeling self-conscious sometimes.
  • Dress in a way that makes you feel good about yourself. Dress for your body shape and your personality. If you’re uncomfortable showing skin, don’t force yourself to do so just because it’s “in style.”
  • Take care of your body by eating healthy foods and getting regular exercise. This will not only help you look your best but also help you to feel more energetic and confident.
  • Don’t compare yourself to others. We all have unique bodies and abilities, so comparisons are usually pointless and depressing.
  • Stop criticizing yourself. We are often our own worst critics, so try to cut yourself some slack. No one is perfect, so accept your imperfections and move on.

If you can keep these things in mind, you’ll be on your way to feeling more comfortable in your own skin.

6 Ways to Feel More Comfortable in Your Skin!

We all have unique bodies and abilities, so comparisons are pointless.

Woman. Just the word conjures up a range of images and stereotypes, but the truth is that there is no single definition of what it means to be a woman.

We come in all shapes and sizes, with different hair colors and styles, skin tones, and eye colors. We have different abilities and interests, and we express our femininity in a myriad of ways.

The only thing that we all have in common is that we are each unique. So why do we spend so much time comparing ourselves to others?

Whether it’s the woman in the media who seems to have it all together or our friend who always seems to be effortlessly beautiful, comparisons are pointless. We each have our unique beauty, which makes us special.

Find a role model.

Instead of comparing yourself to others, find a role model who embodies the qualities you admire. Someone strong, confident, and authentically herself. Someone who loves her imperfections and celebrates her individuality. That’s the kind of woman you should aspire to be.

Thankfully, there are many strong and confident women out there who serve as great role models for young women. These women have learned to love themselves and their bodies, imperfections and all. They know that true beauty comes from within.

Of course, it’s important not to compare yourself too much to others, but finding someone to serve as a positive example can be a great way to help you on your journey.

Stop criticizing other women.

When you criticize other women, you’re only contributing to the problem. We need to stop judging each other and start supporting each other.

Living in today’s world is hard enough without everyone telling you that you’re bad at being you. So the next time you judge another woman, remember that we’re all in this together. We’re all fighting the same fight.

We’re all women and want to be respected and treated fairly. We all are media victims in a way, so let’s start being kinder to each other. So instead of nitpicking at each other, let’s support each other. 

Instead of feeling jealous when you see another woman succeed, try to celebrate her success. Recognize that her success does not take away from your own.

Next time you find yourself about to join in on some woman-bashing, take a step back and think about how you would feel if someone were criticizing you. Chances are, you wouldn’t appreciate it, so why do it to someone else? Let’s pledge to support and empower each other instead of tearing each other down. We’ll all be better off for it.

When we start supporting each other, we can all achieve more and be happier in the process.

Be patient with yourself.

Be patient with yourself

One of the most important things to remember is to be patient with yourself. Change doesn’t happen overnight, so don’t expect to wake up tomorrow feeling completely different.

Learning to love and accept yourself takes time, but it’s worth it. Just keep working at it, and eventually, you’ll get there.

And if you ever need a little extra help or motivation, don’t hesitate to seek out professional help. There’s no shame in admitting that you need some assistance to work through your issues. A therapist can be a great asset on your journey to self-acceptance.


The pressure to be perfect is a heavy burden that many women bear. We’re constantly bombarded with images of what we should look like, and it’s easy to get caught up in the comparison game.

But it’s important to remember that there is no one definition of perfection. We each have our unique beauty, which makes us special.

Instead of comparing yourself to others, find a role model who embodies the qualities you admire. Someone strong, confident, and authentically herself. Someone who loves her imperfections and celebrates her individuality. That’s the kind of woman you should aspire to be.

And remember, we’re all in this together. We’re all women and want to be respected and treated fairly. Be patient with yourself.

Change doesn’t happen overnight, but if you keep working at it, eventually, you’ll get there. Seek professional help if needed, and always remember that you are not alone. Thank you for reading! I hope this post helped you in some way.