Hermit crabs make intriguing pets. They are not difficult to care for, but they have some specific needs that must be met to ensure their health and happiness. In addition to being interesting creatures, hermit crabs can also teach us a lot about ourselves. Here are ten interesting facts about hermit crabs.
Hermit crabs like to have company and need a lot of space.
A hermit crab is not a happy camper if it’s the only one in its tank. Hermit crabs need to be social creatures, and they prefer to live in groups. If you’re considering getting a hermit crab, make sure you have another crab or two to keep your pet company!
In the wild, they live in colonies and are very social creatures who need the company of other hermit crabs to be happy. If you only have one crab, they may become lonely and depressed.
A hermit crab needs a lot of space to move around in. The recommended tank size for a hermit crab is 10 gallons. This will give your pet plenty of room to explore and play!
To stay healthy, hermit crabs need a lot of exercise. This means that they need a lot of room to roam. An aquarium that is too small will not be adequate for their needs.
Hermit crabs are, in fact, decapod crustaceans.

This means that they have ten legs, including two pairs of claws. The name “hermit crab” is a bit of a misnomer, as these creatures are not true hermits. They can be found on every continent in the world except Antarctica.
In the wild, hermit crabs use the shells of dead marine animals for protection. When a hermit crab grows out of its shell, it will find a new, larger shell to live in. If no other shells are available, the crab will use its shell for breathing. This is why it’s important to provide your pet with a variety of different-sized shells for them to choose from.
Hermit crabs can change their gender and “smell” fear.
If a hermit crab is not happy with its assigned gender, it can change its sex. This process happens over time and can take up to two years.
This means that you could end up with two female hermit crabs or two male hermit crabs in the same tank.
If you’re afraid of hermit crabs, they will be able to smell it. Hermit crabs have a heightened sense of smell, which allows them to detect fear in humans. Hermit crabs can “smell” fear in humans, and they will be less likely to be afraid of us if we exhibit fear.
Hermit crabs need to live in a humid environment.
It’s important to keep the humidity level in your hermit crab’s tank high, as these creatures require a humid environment to stay healthy. You can do this by adding a water dish to the tank and misting the crabs regularly.
If the humidity level in their environment is too low, hermit crabs can suffer from dehydration and health problems. This is why it’s important to keep a close eye on the humidity level in your hermit crab’s tank and make sure that you are using the right substrate and regularly adding water.
You can also buy a humidity gauge to help you keep track of the humidity level in your hermit crab’s tank.
Hermit crabs can be picky eaters.
Hermit crabs are omnivores and need a variety of food to survive. In the wild, hermit crabs eat scavenging food from the ocean floor and various things, including dead animals, fruits, and vegetables. However, they can be picky eaters and may not like the food that you offer them.
They are not as selective about their diet when they are in captivity. However, they will usually prefer to eat a diet that consists of fresh fruits and vegetables. They will eat both plant and animal material, but they prefer meaty foods. Some good food options for hermit crabs include fresh fruits and vegetables, cooked meats, fish, and shrimp.
Hermit crabs can live up to 30 years, and there are more than one thousand species.

This is a long time for a small creature! The average lifespan of a hermit crab in the wild is around 5-7 years, but they can live up to 30 years in captivity if they are well cared for.
There are more than one thousand species of hermit crabs in the world, and they can be found on every continent except Antarctica.
The smallest hermit crab is just over a quarter of an inch long, while the largest can grow to nearly six inches in length.
There are more than one thousand different species of hermit crabs in the world, making them one of the most diverse groups of animals on the planet.
Hermit crabs are not considered to be a threatened species. Although hermit crabs are not considered an endangered species, they are in decline due to the destruction of their natural habitats. If you’re interested in helping hermit crabs, consider donating to a local conservation group that works to protect these creatures.
Hermit crabs can be trained to do tricks.
They are not as smart as dogs or dolphins, but hermit crabs can be trained to do simple tricks. One common trick is for the crab to “walk” on a stick.
If you’re patient and persistent, you can train your hermit crab to do tricks. Some common tricks include walking on a leash, standing on one leg, and rolling over.
It can be a lot of fun to train your hermit crab and watch them perform tricks. Just make sure that you are patient and use positive reinforcement when training your hermit crab.
Some hermit crabs can be quite colorful, while others are quite dull.
The color of a hermit crab’s shell can indicate its age. Young hermit crabs have brightly colored shells, while older ones have duller shells. This is because the colorful outer layer of the shell wears away as the crab gets older.
Hermit crabs can change their shells if they need to. If a hermit crab’s shell becomes too small or too large, the crab can change its shell. This is because hermit crabs grow throughout their lives, and their shells need to accommodate their growing bodies.
If a hermit crab’s shell becomes damaged, it can also change its shell. A hermit crab’s shell is an important part of its defense mechanism.
Hermit crabs can walk on land, and they can also swim.

Hermit crabs are not limited to living in the water. They can also walk on land, although they are not as efficient on the ground as in the water.
Hermit crabs can swim well, and they often use swimming as a way to get from one place to another. Swimming is also a great way for hermit crabs to get exercise.
Although they are not as good swimmers as fish, hermit crabs can swim if they need to. They use their claws to help them move through the water.
Hermit crabs can also walk on land if they need to. This is because they have small legs that allow them to move around on land.
Hermit crabs can be quite active.
Hermit crabs are not just lazy creatures that sit in their shells all day. In fact, hermit crabs can be quite active and playful.
They often like to climb around in their tanks and explore their surroundings. They also like to play with food and other objects in their tanks.
They often like to explore their environment and play games with each other. Hermit crabs can also be naughty and may get into trouble if you’re not careful.
Hermit crabs make interesting and unique pets, and now you know more about them than ever before! Be sure to read up on hermit crab care and provide them with a humidity-rich environment if you bring one home. They can be picky eaters, so make sure to offer them a variety of fruits, vegetables, and meats. You can also train them to do tricks! Lastly, hermit crabs come in different colors, so that you may end up with a brightly colored pet.
Hermit crabs are interesting creatures, and there are many things that you may not know about them. By learning more about these creatures, you can better care for them and ensure that they have a happy and healthy life.
That’s all for now! If you want to learn more about hermit crabs, be sure to check out some of the other articles on this website. Thanks for reading!

Meet Brenda Tillman: your go-to expert in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy! Not only is she a seasoned therapist, but she’s also a passionate mom blogger who never misses a beat. Dive deep into her insightful blogs, backed by her extensive coursework in Parenting Skills, Learning, and Education. Brenda’s heartwarming family – a son, two daughters, and their adorable pets – often take center stage in her writings. From parenting hacks and relationship tips to health & fitness nuggets, Brenda has been enlightening her readers for over half a decade. Stick around, and you’re bound to discover gems from a mom who wears many hats with grace!
Reviewed By: Joanna Perez and Marcella Raskin
Edited By: Lenny Terra
Fact Checked By: Gabrielle J. Smith
Photos Taken or Curated By: Matthew Mansour