It’s no secret that music has a profound impact on our lives. It’s always there for us, from soothing us when we’re upset to helping us get pumped up for a workout. And as parents, we want to ensure our children have the opportunity to experience all the amazing benefits music can offer. So how do we help them develop a love of music? Here are a few tips.
Be a Role Model.

Your child loves you and wants to be just like you. So when you listen to music, it’s important to sit next to them so they can see you enjoying it too. This way they can learn that music is something special and help them relax.
If you sing your favorite songs with them, they will want to join in. And that’s perfect because it helps them feel the music and express themselves through actions, gestures, or vocals.
Your child is much more likely to enjoy music when you do, so be sure to listen to and sing songs around your little one. You don’t have to be a musician to teach your child about music. The earlier you expose them to various types of music, the more they’ll enjoy it. Make a point of playing different genres of music each night at bedtime, from rock to classical and everything in between.
Music is a big part of children’s lives, and it’s important to make sure they experience all the positive effects it has to offer. Start introducing them to music early and be a role model yourself. Before long, they’ll have a love for all kinds of music!
Teach Them the ABCs (and 123s, too)
Toddlers and young kids who learn music have a much easier time learning more academic subjects, such as math and science. Start by teaching them the alphabet and numbers through music. This helps them learn the language basics, numbers, and concepts such as left to right.
You can also teach them about time by singing steady-beat songs. This helps them understand the concept of timing and rhythm, an important part of playing instruments and dancing.
Kids love repetition, which is an excellent way to introduce them to music. Learning the alphabet can be as easy as listening to a song from beginning to end, and your child can follow along with the lyrics.
Make a point of singing songs to introduce numbers as well. Then you can spell out letters and numbers together.
Introduce Them to Musical Instruments.
Young children are fascinated by the world around them, and one of the best ways to introduce them to music is by introducing them to different musical instruments.
You can start with simple percussion instruments like maracas or tambourines or get more complex and introduce your child to different types of drums.
A xylophone is another great option for kids just getting exposed to musical instruments. It works like a piano, with plastic bars that make distinct sounds when hit with a stick. And some even come in colorful shapes, making them perfect for toddlers and younger children.
The world is full of music waiting to be discovered by your young child. Just be sure not to force it on them; if they’re old enough to handle an instrument, let them explore independently. It’s important to enjoy musical instruments with your child because children are most likely to want to learn an instrument if they’re having fun doing it!
Be Patient.

Don’t be surprised if your child struggles with their musical endeavors initially. They’re still young, and it takes time for them to develop coordination and a refined sense of timing.
Reassure them that the more they play – or even just listen to music – the better they’ll get.
Help them along if they’re having trouble. A little guidance can turn a struggling beginner into a budding musician!
Learning an instrument takes time and practice, regardless of your child’s age. Make a point to start them off with small lessons so they don’t feel overwhelmed.
You can also purchase an instrument specially made for kids, like a simple drum set with extra-large keys on the drums, which are easier for little fingers to play.
Keep in mind that learning takes time and practice, but your child will get there if you’re patient. And who knows? They may be the next Mozart!
Make time for music each day.
As long as you’re setting aside time for your child to listen and play, they’ll be on their way to becoming life-long music lovers.
A little time each day can make a big difference in your child’s musical abilities. As you introduce them to different genres and instruments, they’ll be more likely to find something that suits them.
You can sing along, dance and move to the beat and even turn the television to a music channel so your child can get used to listening to songs all day long.
Music is an essential part of life and your child’s life. Start them off early and enjoy the beautiful melodies together!
Use Music as a Learning Tool.
Did you know music can be used as a learning tool?
Studies show that kids who play an instrument can focus better in school and have higher grades than their peers 1.
That’s because music activates both sides of the brain, which stimulates logical thinking and reasoning, as well as patterns and images. Studies show that children who study music for at least three years have demonstrated a 20 percent increase in spatial-reasoning skills 2.
When you sing a song, you’re appealing directly to your child’s sense of hearing – and when children sing and make music, they learn to use both sides of their brains.
Music is also a language in and of itself; kids can express themselves by reading and writing music, which they can carry over into other subjects like language arts.
And because music is universal, no matter your child’s age, they can always find others who share their love of music no matter where they travel.
Music is a great way to bond with your child – especially if you get them involved in making music, too!
Encourage them to take music lessons at a young age.

What are some ways to encourage your child to explore music?
If your child is at least four years old, they’re probably ready for some type of formal training.
Studies show that formal training has far-reaching effects, even with preschoolers 3. Your child will learn songs and how to read music, play with others and explore different genres.
And the earlier your child starts learning music, no matter how formal or informal their training is, the more successful they’ll be in mastering their chosen instrument.
If you can, it’s best to enroll them in lessons as soon as possible so they learn the basics early on. If you can’t afford lessons, there are plenty of places where your child can take music classes for free or at a low cost, like in your city’s parks and recreation department.
When it comes to finding the right instrument for your child, that all depends on their age and abilities. An eleven-year-old, for example, would probably be better off with a more advanced instrument like the guitar, while a three-year-old would be fine with something a little simpler, like a xylophone or drums.
The most important thing is to find an instrument your child enjoys so they’ll want to keep learning.
Play classical music for them.
There are a few benefits to playing classical music for your child. Classical music is more structured and has a greater depth compared to other genres – it can help teach your child patience and discipline.
It’s also good for kids because classical music has no lyrics to distract them – children are forced to listen and can’t zone out. And because it’s slow and melodic, classical music can help your child focus and create a see-saw effect where they become more relaxed the tenser they are.
It’s best to play classical music for your child when you can spend some quality time together. It’s a great way to bond, and your child will appreciate it.
If you’re unsure where to start, try playing classical music radio stations for your child.
Take them to a concert!
Kids love concerts – not only are they an exciting experience, but they can be a great way to introduce them to classical music.
If you’re taking your child to a concert for the first time, remember that they’re probably going to be loud and emotional. It might take them a while to adjust to the environment, so give them time. If you’re in an auditorium, make sure they know not to wander off or talk loud. If you’re at a stadium concert, try to drag them away from the speakers if they sit too close – that can hurt their ears.
When your child is a little older and they’re interested in music, take them to a free concert by local musicians or watch an opera at your local theater – whatever type of music you prefer. They’ll get to learn more about the genre and discover new artists they might like.
Taking them to a concert is also a great way to spend some quality time together and bond over your shared love of music.
Allow children in school to participate in a band.
If your child goes to school, chances are there’s an orchestra or band they can participate in. When you notice these types of events coming up, make sure to tell your child about them.
They’ll probably be excited and want to participate in them so they can show off their musical skills to their friends. It’s a great way for them to connect with others through music, and it shows that you’re passionate about what they do.
And as a parent, you can feel good knowing your child is learning valuable skills from their school activities. When they’re in school, they need to get involved and interact with other children that are into music.
There are lots of benefits of being musically inclined. Not least of which is simply enjoying music. So be sure to introduce your child early on to many different kinds of music so he or she can discover the type that suits him best. And don’t forget to be a role model yourself by listening and singing along whenever possible! Thanks for reading this article. I hope you enjoyed it!

Meet Marcella Raskin: Founder, Editor-in-Chief, and a Maven in Human Potential
Dive into the rich tapestry of Marcella Raskin’s life and you’ll discover more than just an editor-in-chief. At the core, Marcella is a passionate writer, deeply committed to unlocking the boundless human potential. Armed with expertise in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Life Purpose Coaching, and Group Life Coaching, she’s carved a niche in helping both women and men unearth their true selves through the art of writing. Every article she pens is a gateway, inviting readers to shift mindsets and embrace transformation, even when change seems impossible.
Beyond her literary pursuits, Marcella is a fitness enthusiast, underpinned by her background in Exercise Physiology. And when she’s not empowering others or delving into the science of movement, she’s reveling in the joys of motherhood, raising two incredible girls, and sharing life’s moments with her beloved spouse.
Trust Marcella’s words; they’re backed by expertise, passion, and a journey full of learning and growth.
Reviewed By: Joanna Perez and Brenda Tillman
Edited By: Lenny Terra
Fact Checked By: Matthew Mansour
Photos Taken or Curated By: Matthew Mansour