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How to Avoid Being “That Couple” at a Party

Sometimes, couples can unintentionally become the center of attention at a party. This is often due to them doing something that makes them stick out from the rest of the guests. If you don’t want to be “that couple” at your next shindig, here are a few tips on how to avoid it.

Avoid being too affectionate.

Avoid being too affectionate

PDA (public displays of affection) are usually not good at parties. There is a time and place for public affection, but it’s best to keep it to a minimum during social events with people you don’t know very well.

If you’re constantly making out or groping each other, people are going to start looking for the nearest exit.

Save the PDAs for later. We all love seeing people in love, but there’s such a thing as too much. Try not to make a big deal out of everything you do together. No one else needs to know about the time your partner brushed their teeth, which was adorable.

Just keep your hands where everyone can see them so you don’t become “that couple.”

Don’t monopolize the conversation.

It can be difficult not to talk over someone when you’re excited about what you’re saying, but it’s important to give the other person a chance to speak, too.

Not only is it polite, but it also makes the conversation more interesting. You may learn something new about the other person or get a different perspective on the topic at hand. Plus, letting the other person talk will make them feel appreciated and respected—both of which are key ingredients for a good relationship.

So the next time you’re chatting with someone, make an effort to listen as well as talk. You may be surprised at how much you learn in the process! Monopolizing the conversation can make people feel unimportant and disregarded. It can also be annoying to the other person, who may feel like they can’t get a word in edgewise.

Avoid talking about your relationship at all costs.

This one is pretty self-explanatory. No one wants to hear about your relationship unless they explicitly ask for your opinion. And even then, it’s probably better to keep things general rather than getting into too much detail. Save the juicy bits for when you’re alone with your partner.

So, in short, the next time you want to tell someone how much your partner means to you, think about whether or not they need to know. Whenever possible, avoid making a big deal out of anything that has to do with your relationship. People don’t have to be reminded every minute that you’re madly in love!

Many people find it uncomfortable when one person in a couple talks about their significant other—especially if they haven’t even met them.

If you bring up your relationship, be prepared to answer questions or field comments from nosy guests who want more details than you’re willing to give.

Not only will this make the conversation awkward and uncomfortable for everyone involved, but it’ll also stick out like a sore thumb in comparison to all the other couples at the party who aren’t talking about their love lives.

It may seem tempting to talk about how amazing your partner is or brag about the time they cooked a fantastic meal for you, but steer clear of those conversations as much as possible. It’s hard not to do once you realize how much you love them, but it’ll end up doing more harm than good.

When you’re tempted to brag about your significant other, remind yourself of how it’ll make others feel.

If you get into an argument, leave the party and come back when you’re feeling calmer.

No one wants to deal with a screaming match in the middle of a party. If you and your partner disagree, it’s best to leave and come back when you’re both calm.


Not only will this avoid embarrassing yourself (and your partner), but it’ll also show that you have enough self-control to walk away when things get heated.

Remember that you’re not the only person at the party!

When tempers are flaring, it can be easy to forget that other people are trying to enjoy themselves.

Try to tone down your arguments, especially if they involve yelling or aggressive language. Remember that everyone else is listening, and if you’re not careful, you could end up causing a scene.

Keep your voice down, and try to be mindful of the people around you. Think about how embarrassing it would be if one of your friends overheard your argument—you don’t want anyone feeling like they have to apologize for something that’s not their fault!

If you and your partner are good at keeping things more civil, that’s one thing. But if you’re both known for your explosive tempers, it may be wise to avoid any disagreements or at least try to keep them outside.

No one wants to be the couple always fighting at social events. If you can, try to avoid any arguments before the party even begins.

Don’t complain about the party or the people who are there.

This one is especially important if you’re not the host of the party. It’s never fun to be around someone who’s constantly grumbling about everything that’s going on.

Complaining makes you sound ungrateful and like you’re not having any fun, which is the last thing you want people to think about. If you’re not enjoying yourself, find something else to do! There’s no need to stand around and make everyone else feel bad.

Be respectful of the host and their home. Parties are an excellent opportunity for people to let loose and have some fun, but that doesn’t mean you can trash the place.

Complaining about the size of the bathroom, the dirty dishes in the sink, or how you’re getting a headache from all the noise isn’t going to make anyone want to party with you.

Resist any temptation to complain and think about what it would be like if someone else were talking about your home that way. If you don’t feel comfortable partaking in an activity, find something else to do rather than standing around looking miserable.

Again, remember that other people at this party want to have fun!

Take a trip down memory lane by bringing up exciting stories from your past instead of complaining about all the things you hate—and trust us, there’s plenty out there worth discussing!

Explaining why you didn’t want to participate in an activity or how you don’t feel comfortable doing something gives people the impression that you’re just being difficult. Wait until the party’s over to talk with your partner about things you didn’t like. This may seem like common sense, but it’s something that many people do without realizing it.

Plus, you’re unlikely to win any friends from doing this—and if you complain about someone enough, they might end up storming out on you! It may seem like a good idea at the time to tell your friend that their party sucks or that the guests are boring, but it’s important not to say things that could offend anyone.

Remember: If you wouldn’t say it in front of them, don’t expect them to take kindly to you saying it behind their back.

Don’t brag about everything you have.

It’s always tempting to show off when surrounded by people who admire you, but it’s important to remember that bragging about everything you have will only make you look like a pompous jerk.


Save the bragging for later when you’re talking to people one-on-one. Otherwise, you’ll come off as insecure and desperate for other people’s approval—and nobody wants to be friends with someone like that.

When you’re at a party, try to be humble and show a little bit of restraint.

There’s no need to talk about how great your job is, how big your home is, or how many pairs of shoes you own. It’ll only make you look arrogant and annoy people who don’t want to hear it.

When someone asks about your job, try to be more modest than you usually would be.

If someone asks about your job or where you’re from, avoid bragging as much as possible.

Instead of bragging about how great your job is, it’s better to be honest and humble about what you do. Keep things simple by mentioning the positive traits instead.

For example, if you work at a company with low turnover rates and good benefits, say something along the lines of “It’s an exciting place to work” rather than “I’m the best employee they’ve ever had.”

It’s always good to be modest when talking to people you don’t know well. Not only will it make you more likable, but it’ll also show that you’re a good listener.

Don’t be the couple that turns everything into a competition.

People love to be the center of attention, but no one likes someone who’s constantly bragging about themselves or trying to one-up everyone else. If you must talk about your accomplishments, don’t go on and on about them. Mention it once, and then move on.

People who constantly brag about themselves are seen as annoying, so it’s best to avoid being that couple or person altogether.

Keep conversations light and fun, not deep or heavy. 

You might want to talk about something serious, but minding your manners is still important, even when it comes to important things. Remember that not everyone wants their conversations to be so intense, especially when trying to have fun with friends. If someone seems uncomfortable, change the subject!

If certain topics of conversation are making people feel down or exhausted, try redirecting the convo towards something lighter instead. That way, no one will complain about the party being too depressing!

Everyone deserves a good time without feeling stressed out by anything else on their minds, so do what you can to ensure other couples’ moods stay positive. You’ll all have more fun in the long run. It’s a good idea to be mindful of the people you talk to, especially if they’re in another couple. Remember that they likely don’t want their privacy invaded when trying to enjoy themselves at a party with their significant other.

Don’t always assume that everyone is up for hearing about your love life—even if it sounds like fun, not everyone finds it interesting. If someone seems uninterested or tries to change the subject, let them do so without arguing about it. They may not want to talk about the topic at the moment, so understand that.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and interests, so try not to force your ideas on other couples. That’s no fun for anyone!

It’s also essential to keep your conversations dignified when other people are around. No one wants to overhear an argument or get caught up in a conversation that they don’t want to hear about.

Don’t become the couple that talks about topics everyone else feel uncomfortable about. Discussions about politics, religion, and other sensitive topics can be uncomfortable for couples that don’t share the same views—especially if it turns into a heated argument.

If you want to talk about something controversial with your significant other, take them aside so they have an easier time opting out of the conversation if necessary. Don’t force anyone to listen if they don’t want to be there!

Do not make people feel bad for not sharing your point of view. It’s fine to disagree on certain things, but it shouldn’t escalate into insults or made-up information designed to change someone’s mind. Remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinion!

Don’t be pushy when it comes to dancing. 

Not everyone is a fan of dancing, so don’t be pushy if someone doesn’t want to get up and groove. There’s no need to force anyone to do something they’re not comfortable with, and it’ll only make the party more awkward for everyone involved.

If you see someone who looks like they’re having fun just sitting down, let them be! They might not want to dance, but that doesn’t mean they’re not enjoying themselves. Other couples’ dancing preferences are none of your concern, so don’t spend too much time trying to analyze what you’re seeing. Just because one person has fun dancing doesn’t mean the other has to join in.

It’s also important to acknowledge that not everyone wants their feelings about whether or not they want to dance known by every couple at the party. If only one-half of a couple wants to dance, let them have their space instead of nagging them about it!

Don’t make anyone feel bad for wanting to sit out a few songs—dancing is optional for everyone involved!

Don’t pry into other couples’ relationships.

Asking questions about your friends’ relationships is invasive. Unless you’re close enough to them that they’d tell you anything, don’t try to pry into their relationship with the person they’re currently dating. It’s no one else’s business what goes on between two people in a relationship!

If someone asks about anyone else’s relationship status, politely decline the conversation if necessary. Don’t let yourself get dragged down an uncomfortable road of questioning when it isn’t any of your business!

This also extends to asking why someone might not be dating anymore—there are plenty of reasons for that, so leave it up to them to share or keep private as they choose. Someone might have chosen not to bring the subject up themselves because it’s still a sore spot for them, so be mindful of that.

You might think you’re just making small talk or passing the time, but you don’t know how someone else will react to your question. If it’s evident that a couple doesn’t want to answer specific questions about their relationship, respect their wishes and drop the topic! No one likes feeling like they can’t turn down an unwanted request. Intrusive questions aren’t okay even if you’re trying to be nice—in fact, they can make couples feel very uncomfortable.

Gossiping is never okay.


Hearing other people’s conversations can be annoying, but gossiping is always inappropriate.

Eavesdropping on other couples’ convos is never okay, and it should go without saying that no one likes to be gossiped about behind their backs.

You could make people feel pretty uncomfortable by talking smack about others at their party. No one wants to hear rumors or exaggerated stories about themselves.

It’s not only rude— wastes time that could have been spent enjoying the party—but it can also be damaging to relationships. Don’t be the couple that talks about other people in a way that would make them uncomfortable if they heard it.

Everyone has their own relationship drama, but it’s best to put a lid on things until you’re alone with your significant other. Gossiping about people at the party is rude, especially if they’re present.

Even when you think it’s good fun, gossiping about other couples isn’t a cool thing to do. It can be harmful and hurtful to their feelings, not to mention that your conversation could be overheard by one of them!

If you’re trying to be helpful and supportive by putting in your two cents about another couple’s relationship, it’s still not cool. Even if you mean well, it’s important to remember that not everyone wants their relationships brought up publicly. Some people might even take your unsolicited advice as an insult.

No one wants to hear about your relationship drama, especially when they’re trying to enjoy themselves. If you need to vent, save it for later!


You might be one of those couples who have a tough time at parties. Or maybe you’re just looking for the best way to avoid being “that couple” when it comes to social gatherings.

The good news is that there are plenty of ways you can prevent yourself from becoming an annoyance and still enjoy your night out without feeling like people want nothing more than for you two to leave as quickly as possible! 

We hope that these guidelines are helpful to you! What are some things that “that couple” does annoy you? And conversely, what are some things you do to avoid being “that couple”?

Let us know in the comments below!