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10 Simple Ways to Deal with a Narcissistic Partner

When you’re in a relationship, it’s important to be able to compromise and communicate with your partner. However, this can be difficult if your partner is narcissistic and only thinks of themselves. If you’re struggling to deal with a narcissistic partner, here are some tips that might help.

Talk to your partner about their behavior.


If you’re in a relationship, it’s important to be able to talk about your partner’s behavior – both the good and the bad. However, it can be difficult to broach the subject of narcissistic behavior, especially if your partner is resistant to change.

Egocentricity is characterized by self-centeredness and a lack of empathy for others. It can manifest itself in many different ways, from talking incessantly about oneself to being insensitive to your partner’s needs.

An honest conversation.

If narcissistic behavior is causing tension in your relationship, it’s important to have an honest conversation with your partner about the issue. Talk to them calmly and respectfully, and explain how their behavior affects you.

Try to avoid accusatory language and instead focus on explaining how their behavior makes you feel. With open communication, you can help your partner become more aware of their narcissistic tendencies and start working on making the necessary changes.

If they’re receptive to your feedback, they may be willing to make some changes. But even if they’re not, knowing that you’ve voiced your concerns can help you feel better. Ultimately, you’ll need to decide whether their selfish behavior is something you can tolerate or not. But either way, communication is key.

Encourage them to think about your needs too.

You’re in a relationship with someone who is always thinking about themselves. They never seem to consider your needs or how their actions might affect you. If you want this relationship to work, it’s important to encourage them to think beyond themselves.

One way to do this is to see things from their perspective. Why are they acting this way? What do they need from the relationship? Once you understand where they’re coming from, you can have a conversation about your own needs. It’s also important to be direct with them.

If they’re doing something that bothers you, tell them. This can be a difficult conversation, but it’s important to have if you want a healthy and mutually satisfying relationship.

One way to encourage them to think about your needs, as well as their own, is by using “I” statements, such as “I feel overwhelmed when you monopolize the conversation.” or “I feel unimportant when you don’t include me in your plans.” This will help your partner to understand how their behavior is affecting you, and it will also encourage them to start thinking about your needs.

If they’re not used to thinking about your needs, they may need some time to adjust. But with patience and understanding, you can help them learn to consider your needs along with their own.

6 Ways To Deal With Selfish People

Make sure you’re getting your needs met.

In any relationship, it’s important to ensure your needs are met. This can be difficult when you’re in a relationship with someone who is egocentric, but it’s still important to prioritize your own well-being.

Make sure you’re taking care of yourself emotionally and physically, and don’t hesitate to reach out to your friends and family for support. It’s also important to set boundaries with your partner. If they’re crossing a line, let them know. This may be a difficult conversation, but standing up for yourself is important.

Maintaining a healthy relationship with someone narcissistic can be difficult, but it’s not impossible. With open communication and a willingness to work on the relationship, you can help your partner become more aware of their narcissistic tendencies and start making the necessary changes. But if their behavior is something you can’t tolerate, it may be best to move on.

Prioritize your own well-being.

In any relationship, it’s important to prioritize your well-being. If you’re constantly giving and never receiving, it’s only a matter of time until you burn out, and you’ll eventually end up feeling resentful and unappreciated. Of course, it’s important to be supportive of your partner, but you shouldn’t sacrifice your own needs in the process. If your partner always puts themselves first, it’s okay to do the same. In fact, it’s essential. 

Of course, that doesn’t mean you should be selfish – but it does mean that you need to set boundaries. If your partner is constantly demanding your time and energy without making an effort to give anything back, it’s okay to say no. You have a right to your own space and time, and if your partner can’t respect that, the relationship isn’t worth pursuing. Don’t let yourself be used; prioritize your own well-being first and foremost.

Don’t take their behavior personally.

If you’re in a relationship with someone narcissistic, you might feel like their bad behavior is a personal attack. It’s important to remember that it’s not personal; it’s just how they are. Narcissistic people tend to be self-centered and inconsiderate, so they may say or do things that hurt your feelings without meaning to. They may also have difficulty empathizing with others, which can make it tough to resolve conflict. 

It can be difficult not to take your partner’s selfish behavior personally, but it’s important to remember that it’s not about you. Their egocentricity results from their own insecurity and has nothing to do with you or your relationship.

Sometimes, they may be tired, stressed, or just having a bad day. Instead of getting upset, try to understand where they’re coming from and empathize with them. This can help to defuse the situation and prevent arguments from spiraling out of control.

So instead of getting angry or taking their behavior personally, try to be understanding. This doesn’t mean you have to put up with their bad behavior – but it does mean that you shouldn’t take it to heart.

  • Try to be understanding.
  • Remember that it’s not about you.
  • Talk to your partner about their selfish behavior.

Try not to give into arguments – they’ll only worsen the situation.

Narcissistic people tend to be very good at arguing. They may use words as weapons, manipulate the facts, or be generally unreasonable. It can be tempting to try to win every argument. Still, it’s usually not worth it. Arguments with a narcissistic partner will only make the situation worse and leave you feeling drained and exhausted. It’s better to let them have the last word and walk away.

If you do end up arguing, try to stay calm and avoid getting defensive. It’s also important to remember that you can’t change or fix your partner – you can only control your own behavior. So if the argument starts to get out of hand, it’s okay to walk away or take a break.

Talk to your friends and family about what’s going on.

It can be tough to talk about what’s going on in our lives, especially when things are tough. We might feel like we’re burdening others or that they won’t understand. But the truth is, our friends and family care about us and want to help however they can. They can offer support and understanding, and they may be able to give you helpful advice. Talking to someone outside of the situation can also help you see things more clearly.

If you’re feeling isolated or like you’re the only one who can deal with your partner’s egocentricity, talking to someone else can be a huge help. It can remind you that you’re not alone and that other people understand what you’re going through.

Don’t enable their selfish behavior.

If you enable your partner’s selfish behavior, you only worsen the situation. Enabling means you make excuses for their bad behavior or try to cover up for them. This can be something as simple as making excuses when they cancel plans, or it can be more serious, like lying to their family or friends about their whereabouts.

Enabling your partner’s narcissistic behavior allows them to continue being selfish and inconsiderate. It also prevents them from taking responsibility for their own actions.

However, allowing this behavior will only worsen things in the long run. Your partner will never learn to consider your needs if you’re always catering to their every whim.

In addition, this type of behavior often leads to resentment and can ultimately destroy even the strongest relationships. If your partner wants to change, you must stop enabling their narcissistic behavior.

Set boundaries with them.

It’s important to set boundaries with a narcissistic partner. This means communicating what you will and won’t tolerate from them. If they cross your limits, be firm and assertive in enforcing them.

It’s also important to follow through with your consequences – if you say you’re going to leave if they do X, you need to follow through and leave if they do it.

Boundaries are important because they help to protect you from your partner’s selfish behavior. They can also help to change your partner’s behavior, as they’ll realize that there are consequences for their actions.

There are two types of boundaries: personal and relationship. Personal boundaries are the limits we set for how others can treat us. This includes saying “no” when you don’t want to do something, setting aside time for yourself, and maintaining healthy relationships with friends and family.

Relationship boundaries are the expectations we set for our relationship with our partner. This includes things like sharing financial responsibilities, setting aside “couple time”, and making decisions together. If you’re unhappy with how your narcissistic partner is treating you, it’s important to set boundaries and communicate your needs.

Creating Boundaries in Relationships

Consider leaving the relationship.

It’s never easy to end a relationship, even when it’s clearly not working out. However, there are certain red flags that should not be ignored. If your partner is always focused on their own needs and shows little interest in your life, it may be time to consider leaving the relationship.

A narcissistic partner can make you feel invisible and unimportant, leading to feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem. If you find yourself constantly walking on eggshells or making excuses for your partner’s behavior, it may be time to walk away.

Though it’s never easy, ending a toxic relationship can be the best thing for your mental health and well-being.

This is a big decision, and it should not be made lightly. If you’re considering leaving, you must talk to a therapist or counselor to help you decide.

Leaving a relationship is never easy, but sometimes it’s the only option. If you’re in an unhealthy or abusive relationship or your partner’s egocentricity is causing you to lose yourself, then leaving may be the best decision for you.


If you’re in a relationship with a narcissistic partner, it can be difficult. However, there are things you can do to deal with the situation. It’s important to communicate with your partner, set boundaries, and consider leaving the relationship if nothing else seems to be working.

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