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7 Simple Ways to Keep a Conversation Going

If you struggle with keeping conversations going, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Knowing what to say next can be tricky, especially if the conversation gets stale. But don’t worry; there are plenty of things you can do to keep things interesting. Here are seven tips that will help you keep the conversation flowing: 

Talk about what you’re doing – this gives the other person something to respond to.

When you’re talking to someone, it’s essential to give them something to respond to. This allows the dialogue to flow more easily for both sides to stay engaged. One method is to speak about what you’re doing.


For example, during a party, you may say something like, “I’m having a great time! I just got a drink and chatted with some friends.” This allows the other person to ask follow-up questions or comment about their experience. In addition, it helps to keep the conversation focused on the present moment, which can prevent awkward lulls.

You can also make observations (sometimes, the best conversation starters are simply comments about your surroundings). If you can’t think of anything to say, try examining your surroundings. For instance, during a party, you may say something like, “This music is great! I love this song.” Or, if you’re at a restaurant, you might say, “The food here smells amazing. I can’t wait to try it.”

Not only will this give the other person something to respond to, but it’ll also help create a more pleasant and engaging conversation. So next time you feel lost for words, try observing your surroundings.

So next time you’re feeling tongue-tied, try giving the other person something to respond to by talking about what you’re doing or making observations. These conversation starters should help keep the conversation flowing more smoothly.

Ask questions – people love talking about themselves, so ask away!

One of the best ways to get to know someone is to ask questions. People love talking about themselves, so you will find plenty of topics to discuss. Ask questions about their interests, their job, their family, and so on.

Not only will you get to know them better and get a sense of their personality, but they’ll also appreciate the fact that you’re interested in them. If you’re not sure what to say next, simply ask a follow-up question. For example, if they mention they love hiking, you could ask them about their favorite trails. The conversation will flow more smoothly, and both parties will stay engaged.

And be sure to listen carefully to what the other person is saying. Conversations are two-way streets, so it’s important to be interested in what the other person says. Make eye contact, nod your head, and ask follow-up questions to demonstrate that you’re paying attention.

And when they’re finished talking, take a moment to respond thoughtfully. Practicing this together will not only improve the quality of your conversation but also strengthen your bond.

So next time you’re struggling to keep a conversation going, try asking questions. The key is to ask the right questions. People love talking about themselves, so ask away!

How to Ask Good Questions in Conversations

Share something about yourself – people are interested in you, too!

In addition to asking questions, sharing information about yourself is essential. This can help to create a connection between you and the other person and make the conversation more interesting.

That way, the other person can get to know you better, and the conversation will flow more smoothly. Of course, you don’t want to share too much too soon, but sharing some personal information can help the conversation move along.

Here are some personal themes to avoid:

  • Complaining about your life or venting about your problems
  • Bringing up sensitive issues, like religion or politics 
  • TMI (too much information) – save the details of your latest breakup or medical procedure for another time!
  • Money
  • Health
  • Family drama
  • Bragging about your accomplishments

Instead, try to focus on positive topics, such as:

  • Your job or career
  • Your hobbies or interests
  • Your Hometown
  • A recent trip you took
  • A funny story from your life
  • Something you’re passionate

The key is to find a balance between talking and listening. If you do most of the talking, the conversation will quickly become one-sided. But if you share just enough, you’ll be able to keep things exciting and learn more about the other person.

Try to find common ground.

When you’re talking to someone, it’s important to try to find common ground. This will make the dialogue flow more smoothly, and both parties will stay engaged. Having something in common with the other person gives you something to bond over and talk about.

common ground

For example, if you’re talking to someone who loves hiking, you could mention that you love hiking too. Or if you’re talking to someone from your hometown, you could talk about all the things you love about it. Finding common ground can help build a connection between you and the other person and make the conversation more enjoyable.

You can also find common ground by talking about shared experiences or mutual friends. For example, if you’re both in the same book club, you could talk about the latest book you’re reading. Or if you have a friend in common, you could ask how they know each other. These topics can help keep the conversation going and prevent it from dying down.

Of course, it’s not always possible to find common ground. In that case, you can try to find something that the other person is interested in and ask them about it. For example, if they’re a fan of a particular sports team, you could ask them about their latest game.

Or, if they’re interested in a specific topic, you could ask them what they think about it. Asking questions about their interests can help to keep the conversation going and prevent it from becoming one-sided.

Be playful and engage in lighthearted banter.

Banter is a playful and lighthearted back-and-forth between two people. It’s a way to keep the conversation going without getting too serious. For example, if the other person makes a joke, you could playfully tease them back. Or if they say something you disagree with, you could jokingly argue with them.

Banter can help to keep the conversation flowing and prevent it from becoming too awkward or uncomfortable. Plus, it’s a great way to build rapport and make the other person feel more comfortable around you.

Of course, you don’t want to overdo it with the banter. If you playfully tease someone too much, they may start to feel uncomfortable. And if you argue with someone too much, the conversation may become too heated. So it’s crucial to find a balance and only engage in banter when it feels natural.

Pay attention to their body language, and adjust your conversation accordingly.

Body language is the way that we use our bodies to communicate. It can include our posture, facial expressions, and how we move our hands and feet.

When talking to someone, it’s important to pay attention to their body language. This can give you clues about how they’re feeling and what they’re thinking. For example, if someone has their arms crossed, they may feel defensive. Or if someone is leaning in toward you, they may be interested in what you’re saying.

Paying attention to body language can help you gauge the other person’s reactions and adjust your conversation accordingly. For example, if you see that the other person is starting to look uncomfortable, you could change the topic of conversation. Or, if you see that they’re interested in what you’re saying, you could elaborate on your point.

Of course, it’s important not to read too much into body language. Sometimes people may have their arms crossed because they’re cold. And sometimes, people may lean in because they can’t hear you. So it’s important to take body language cues into context.

Here are some tips for how to pay attention to body language:

  • Make eye contact with the other person. This will help you to see their facial expressions and gauge their reactions.
  • Pay attention to their posture. Are they standing up straight or slouching? Are their arms crossed or relaxed?
  • Notice their hand gestures. Are they using their hands to emphasize their points or keep them close to their body?
  • Listen to the tone of their voice. Are they speaking quickly or slowly? loudly or quietly?

By paying attention to these cues, you’ll better understand how the other person feels and adjust your conversation accordingly.

8 Ways to Read Someone’s Body Language

What to do when it seems that the other person wants to leave the conversation?

It can be frustrating when it seems like the person you’re talking to wants to leave. Maybe they keep looking at their phone, or they keep looking around the room. Perhaps they keep yawning, or they keep fidgeting.

Whatever the case, you can do a few things to keep the conversation going. First, try asking open-ended questions. This will encourage the other person to talk more and give you a chance to get to know them better.

Second, try being more animated and enthusiastic in your responses. This will help hold the other person’s attention and make them more likely to want to stay and talk. Finally, try making a connection with the other person.

This could be something as simple as sharing a personal story or complimenting them on something they’re wearing. If you can do all these things, the other person will want to stay around and chat for a while longer.


I hope you find these tips helpful. Remember, the key to maintaining a conversation is to be interested in the other person and find things you have in common. If you can do this, you’ll be well to becoming a master conversationalist. Thanks for reading!