Do you have a ball python? Well, if not, get ready to be entranced! If you have one, you know what a fantastic creature they are. Ball pythons make great pets because they are docile and don’t require much care. In this post, we will go over the basics of taking care of your ball python so that they live a healthy and long life. Let’s get started!
Where you should keep your ball python.

Before getting a ball python, the first thing to do is to decide where they will live. You can keep your snake in pretty much any container as long as it provides enough space for the snake to move around freely and has ventilation so that he can breathe well.
He doesn’t have to have a lot of space, but he will need some. A good rule of thumb is to give your snake about as much room lengthwise as you would expect him to grow in length. A good-sized container for a young ball python is about 20 gallons (about 75 liters).
You should make sure that the snake has room to fit in his water dish, too. A smaller snake can live in a 15-gallon (about 57 liters) tank until he is about a year old, but for larger snakes, you may want to purchase a tank that is two feet by one foot (about 60 cm by 30 cm).
The bottom of the tank can be lined with newspaper, flat stones, or paper towels. Ensure that the substrate is non-toxic so that your snake won’t get sick if he accidentally eats it.
Heating and Lighting
Since ball pythons live in tropical places, they do best when kept at a comfortable temperature. You can keep your snake in a room that stays between 85˚F and 90˚F.
You can use a heating mat under the tank or heating tape on the sides. Just make sure that you place the heating device securely so that it won’t cause a fire hazard and that the heat only comes into contact with the outside of the tank.
Since ball pythons are nocturnal, they do best when kept in a dark place. If you want to see your snake, you may wish to purchase a tank with a light that is on a timer. This way, the light will turn off during the night, and your snake will be able to sleep.
What should you feed your ball python?
The most important part of caring for a ball python is feeding it. A healthy snake will eat every five to seven days. Your snake should be able to fit the entire food item in his mouth, from nose to tail. If he can’t eat the whole thing, he probably isn’t ready to eat that type of food yet.
You may want to feed your ball python a tiny mouse or rat. You can also feed him pre-killed or live prey items, but make sure that they are the appropriate size for your snake to eat. If you are feeding your snake live prey, it is generally recommended that you feed him in a separate container so that he doesn’t have access to his prey after he kills it.
How much exercise does a ball python need?
Ball pythons are relatively sedentary animals, but they do need to exercise so that their muscles stay strong and healthy.
While your snake probably doesn’t need as much exercise as a dog or cat, he will still benefit from the occasional time out of the tank. You can put him in an enclosure about three times as long as your snake’s body and approximately the same width. Let him wander around in there for a while, and then place him back in his tank.
A ball python will appreciate it if you give him time out of his tank to explore.
How big can ball pythons get?

If you take proper care of your ball python, it can grow to be quite large. On average, adults are around 5-7 feet long, but they can grow up to 8 feet. They can weigh as much as 20 pounds if you feed them a lot of food and let them get as large as they want.
As far as snakes go, ball pythons are pretty big. They can’t grow to be as big as anacondas or pythons, but they are certainly larger than many other types of snakes.
If you want to keep your snake at a smaller size, feed him pre-killed prey so that he doesn’t grow too big. You can also put him in a smaller tank if you think he is too big for his current enclosure.
Handle your snake with care.
It’s always better to get a ball python when it’s younger so that you can handle it before it gets much bigger. When a ball python is young, he will be more likely to get used to being handled by humans.
If you get a ball python that is already full-grown, he may be more skittish and less likely to let you handle him. You can still work with a big snake, but it will take more patience and safety precautions.
How long do ball pythons live?
Ball pythons typically live for around 20 years, although some have been known to live up to 50. If you take proper care of your snake, he can live a long and happy life.
You should be prepared to take care of your snake for the majority of his life. Since he can live up to 50 years, you are responsible for him for a long time.
If you have children, you will need to ensure that they know how to handle a snake responsibly so that the animal doesn’t get hurt. Make sure you have a plan for what will happen if you can no longer care for your ball python.
What kinds of things should you do with your snake?
It’s essential to give your pet time out of his tank so that he can get exercise and enjoy himself. He will appreciate it if you spend time with him playing games, petting his scales, and giving him fresh food.
Ball pythons are pretty low-maintenance pets, but they still like to be played with and enjoyed. A ball python will appreciate it if you give him time out of his tank to explore.
You can interact with your snake by touching and petting his scales, but be very gentle. Ball pythons are nervous, and they may try to get away if you go too quickly.
You shouldn’t play with your snake in a rough way, but you should still play games with him to keep him active and healthy. You can also try to feed your snake live prey, but if you are unsure how to do that, it is safer to stick with pre-killed.
What are some signs that my ball python might be sick?

If your snake appears to be lethargic, seems to have trouble eating, or is vomiting, he may be sick. You can also tell if your snake has mites because he will have little bugs crawling around his face.
Ball pythons will typically shed their skin around once a month. If your snake hasn’t shed in three months, he may be sick.
You can look out for some other signs as well, such as his scales looking dull, unusual bumps on the skin, and a loss of appetite.
If your snake suddenly stops eating or does anything out of the ordinary, you should take him to a vet so that he can get examined. When snakes are sick, they might try to hide or stop eating, so it’s crucial to take action quickly and see a vet.
What are some pros and cons of owning a ball python as a pet?
Ball pythons make pretty good pets for people who cannot have a dog or cat. They don’t require much attention, but they do need some. They don’t have to be taken on walks or played with every day, but you should try to spend some time with them every few days.
They are easy to care for, but ball pythons can grow pretty large, so you may want to invest in a large cage for them. It is also helpful if you have experience feeding live prey because that is the healthiest option.
One downside to owning a ball python is that it can be pricey, but there are some affordable options out there for people who can’t spend a lot of money. You can also choose not to feed your snake live prey, which will lower the cost of feeding him.
Another downside is that ball pythons are very nervous animals, which means they can be hard to handle when they get scared. They may try to hide and crawl away from you.
Ball pythons make good pets for people with a little bit of experience. If you have a ball python as a pet, make sure you study how to care for it properly.
The ball python is an excellent pet if you have the time and money to take care of it. He can be a very rewarding pet, but you have to be prepared for the long term if you own one.
If you have a young snake, you must handle him often so that he can get used to you. If he has a bad experience with humans, it may be much harder to take care of him.
They are usually pretty easy to take care of, but they require some basic necessities like fresh water and food. You also need to make sure that you can afford to take care of him for the next 20 years or so.
Are you interested in getting a ball python? Contact an experienced breeder to find the right snake for you.

Dive into the insights of Matthew Mansour, a seasoned life coach, fitness guru, and health mentor. With a portfolio boasting over 800 thought-provoking articles, Matthew is passionate about unraveling the intricate layers of the human psyche. His reading choices? Books that shed light on our unique human journey, helping him (and his readers) harness the power of the mind, transforming challenges into stepping stones.
Matthew proudly wears his badge as a self-help aficionado. His mantra? There’s always room to grow, learn, and be inspired. He thrives on gleaning wisdom from pioneers, turning their experiences into valuable lessons for all.
Always on the pulse of emerging trends, Matthew immerses himself in groundbreaking courses and research centered around life coaching and holistic health. Eager to impart his knowledge, he’s here to guide anyone keen on enhancing their life journey.
Beyond his professional persona, Matthew is a devoted animal lover, a proud New Jersey resident, and a doting husband and father. Dive into his self-improvement blog and let Matthew guide you towards a life filled with purpose and passion!
Reviewed By: Joanna Perez and Marcella Raskin
Edited By: Lenny Terra
Fact Checked By: Gabrielle J. Smith
Photos Taken or Curated By: Matthew Mansour