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How to Survive a Long Distance Relationship

Are you in a long-distance relationship? If so, you know that it can be tough to make it work. But don’t worry; we’ve got 12 tips to help you make it through! So whether you’re just starting or you’ve been together for a while, these tips will help keep your relationship strong. Keep reading to learn more!

Set clear expectations from the beginning.

It is vital to set clear expectations from the beginning so that both partners know what they are getting into and can realistically assess whether or not the relationship is feasible.

This doesn’t mean that every little detail needs to be hashed out before taking the plunge, but significant differences should be discussed. But make sure you both understand each other’s expectations and needs and that you are both committed to making the relationship work.

For example, if one person expects daily Skype calls while the other is more comfortable with weekly phone calls, this should be brought up early on. How often will you talk or visit? What are your intentions for the relationship? How long do you plan to be in a long-distance relationship?

By setting these expectations early on, you can avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings later on.

Long Distance Relationships: Expectation vs REALITY!

Communicate frequently.

One of the most important things you can do to keep your long-distance relationship strong is to communicate regularly. This means making time for regular video chats or phone calls, even if it’s just for a few minutes each day.

It also means staying in touch via text, email, or social media. The more you keep in touch, the closer you’ll feel to each other, even when you’re miles apart.

First, set up a regular time to talk. Whether it’s every day or once a week, make sure you chat at the same time each time. This will help you both stay on schedule and avoid any miscommunication.

Next, be open and honest with your communication. If something is bothering you, say so. It’s essential to get everything out in the open so you can both work on solutions together. Honesty is key in any relationship, but especially in a long-distance one.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to get creative with your communication. Sometimes a simple phone call just won’t cut it. Plan fun date nights via Skype or send each other care packages to help you feel closer to one another. Whatever you do, just make sure you keep the lines of communication open; it’s the best way to maintain a healthy long-distance relationship.

Be honest with each other about your feelings and needs. 

Be honest with each other

Jealousy is normal, but it can be amplified when you’re in a long-distance relationship. If you’re feeling jealous, talk to your partner about it.

Discuss what might be causing the jealousy and devise a plan to work through it together. Honesty is key in any relationship, but especially in a long-distance one.

It’s also important to be honest about your needs and wants. If you’re feeling lonely, tell your partner. If you need more attention, say so.

It can be difficult to express these kinds of things, but it’s important to communicate openly with each other. This way, you can work together to find a solution that works for both of you.

Resist the urge to compare your relationship to others; every couple is different.

One of the most important things to remember when you’re in a long-distance relationship is that every couple is different. What works for one couple might not work for another. So resist the urge to compare your relationship to others. Instead, focus on what works for you and your partner.

There’s no “right” way to do a long-distance relationship. As long as you’re both happy and healthy, that’s all that matters. So don’t compare yourselves to other couples; just focus on making your own relationship the best it can be.

Just because your friend’s relationship is different from yours doesn’t mean that it’s better or worse – it’s just different. Each couple has its own unique set of circumstances, needs, and challenges. So instead of comparing your relationship to others, focus on what works for you and your partner. That’s the best way to ensure a happy, healthy, and lasting relationship.

Make sure you have separate lives outside of your relationship.

Make sure you have separate lives outside of your relationship. It can be easy to get wrapped up in your partner and forget about the rest of the world when you’re in a long-distance relationship. 

But it’s crucial to maintain a sense of independence in any relationship, especially in a long-distance one. This doesn’t mean you have to keep secrets from each other; it just means you need to have separate lives outside of your relationship.

Make sure you have your hobbies, interests, and friends. This will help you stay sane when you’re apart from each other and give you something to talk about when you do talk. When you’re in a long-distance relationship, it’s essential to have something to look forward to outside of seeing each other.

Otherwise, the time apart can start to feel endless. It’s also important to maintain your sense of identity; don’t forget who you are just because you’re in a relationship. So go out and live your life! Your long-distance relationship will be all the better for it.

Plan weekend getaways or longer vacations together whenever you can.

Make sure to schedule quality time together whenever you can. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a more extended vacation, plan so you can spend some much-needed time together. This will help keep the spark alive in your relationship and give you something to look forward to during those long periods apart.

And when you are together, make sure to put away your phones and be present for each other. Enjoy the time you have together and savor every moment. These periods together will be unique because they’re so rare.

3 Tips to a Better Long Distance Relationship (How to Survive LDR's) | Relationship Advice for Women

Trust each other. 

One of the most important things in any relationship is trust. In a long-distance relationship, it is even more critical. Why? Because you cannot see each other every day, you have to rely on each other to be honest about what is going on in your life.

You also have to trust that your partner will be there for you when you need them. So, if you want to survive a long-distance relationship, trust is key.

There will be times when you can’t be there for each other. That’s just a fact of life. But if you trust each other, you’ll know that your partner will be there for you when you need them, just as you’ll be there for them. So don’t worry about the little things – focus on the big picture, and trust that your relationship can withstand whatever life throws your way.

Here are some tips for building trust in a long-distance relationship:

  • Be honest with each other. This one is pretty obvious, but it’s worth repeating. If you want to build trust, you have to be honest with each other. That means no secrets and no lies. Just be open and honest about what’s going on in your life, and you’ll build a strong foundation of trust.
  • Be reliable. If you say you’re going to do something, do it. This will show your partner that they can depend on you, and they’ll be more likely to trust you.
  • Keep your promises. Along the same lines, if you make a promise to your partner, make sure you keep it. This goes a long way in building trust.

Show your partner some love.

One of the best ways to get through tough times is to show your partner some love. Whether it’s a simple text message, a phone call, or even a video chat, take the time to reach out and let them know you’re thinking about them. These little gestures can make all the difference when you’re trying to maintain a long-distance relationship.

When you’re unable to see each other every day, it’s easy to take each other for granted. So make sure you go out of your way to show your partner how much you love and appreciate them.

Here are some ideas for showing your partner some love:

  • Write them a love letter. There’s nothing like a heartfelt letter to show your partner how much you care. So take the time to write down everything you love about them. They’ll be sure to appreciate it.
  • Send them a care package. Surprise your partner with a care package full of their favorite things. It’ll make them feel loved and appreciated, and it’ll let them know you’re thinking of them.
  • Plan a special date night. Just because you’re in a long-distance relationship doesn’t mean you can’t have date nights. Plan and make sure you have a memorable night together, even if it’s just over Skype.

Be prepared for the fact that long-distance relationships can be challenging.

Long-distance relationships come with their own challenges, so it’s essential to be prepared for them. There will be times when you’ll feel lonely, frustrated, or even angry. But if you can make it through the tough times, your relationship will be stronger.

Here are some of the challenges you might face in a long-distance relationship:

  • Loneliness. Loneliness is one of the most challenging things about long-distance relationships. When you cannot see your partner every day, it can be tough to deal with the feeling of loneliness. But it’s important to remember that this is just a temporary phase.
  • Jealousy. Feeling a little jealous is only natural when you’re in a long-distance relationship. After all, you can’t help but wonder what your partner is doing when you’re not around. But it’s important to trust your partner and not let jealousy get the best of you.
  • Communication problems. Another challenge you might face is communication problems. When you cannot see each other every day, it can be difficult to keep the lines of communication open. But it’s essential to make an effort to talk to each other as often as you can, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
  • Missing out on important events. One of the drawbacks of being in a long-distance relationship is that you might miss out on important events in your partner’s life. Whether it’s their birthday, an anniversary, or even a big milestone, it can be tough not to be there for them. But you can always celebrate these events even when you’re apart.
7 Stages of a Long Distance Relationship

Don’t forget to have fun!

Just because you’re in a long-distance relationship doesn’t mean you can’t have fun. There are plenty of ways to keep the spark alive, even when you’re miles apart. So make sure you take the time to do things that make you both happy.

Here are some ideas for having fun in a long-distance relationship:

  • Watch movies together. One of the best ways to bond with your partner is to watch movies together. You can do this even when you’re apart by using a service like Netflix Party.
  • Play games together. Another great way to have fun and stay connected is to play games together. There are plenty of online games you can play, or you can even download apps like Words With Friends.
  • Take a virtual vacation. Just because you can’t physically be together doesn’t mean you can’t take a vacation. Plan a trip and spend some time planning all the fun things you’ll do when you’re there. You can even make a video of yourselves talking about everything you’re looking forward to.
  • Have a picnic over Skype. Just because you’re not in the same place doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a romantic picnic together. Spread out a blanket and enjoy a picnic dinner over Skype.

Find a way to keep the spark alive.

Finding ways to keep the spark alive in your relationship, even when you’re apart, is essential. You can do plenty of things to stay connected and maintain the romance. So make sure you take the time to do something that makes your relationship special.

love letters

Here are some ideas for keeping the spark alive:

  • Send each other love letters. One of the most romantic things you can do is to send your partner love letters. You can write about all the things you love about them, or even tell them how much you miss them.
  • Send each other photos. Another great way to stay connected is to send each other photos. This can be of anything, from things you’re doing to just random thoughts.
  • Plan surprise visits. One of the best ways to keep the spark alive is to plan surprise visits. This can be anything from a weekend getaway to just showing up at their door.
  • Talk dirty. If you’re looking for a way to add some spice to your relationship, try talking dirty. This can be anything from sending each other naughty text messages to talking dirty on the phone.

Avoid making assumptions or reading into things too much.

One of the challenges of being in a long-distance relationship is that you can’t help but make assumptions or read into things too much. It’s easy to do, especially in a long-distance relationship, and you can’t just pick up the phone and talk to your partner whenever you want.

You start looking for clues in their text messages, wondering what they really mean. But this can only lead to problems. If you’re constantly second-guessing your partner, you will not be able to trust them, which is essential in any relationship.

If you have a question, ask your partner directly instead of making assumptions. And if you’re feeling insecure, talk to your partner about it instead of letting your mind run wild. If you start assuming the worst, you’ll only make yourself more upset. So try to stay level-headed and communicate openly with your partner. That way, you can avoid unnecessary drama and keep your relationship on track.


Long-distance relationships can be tricky, but they’re not impossible. If you want your relationship to work, you must be willing to put in the effort. Make sure you stay connected and find ways to have fun together, even when you’re apart.

And most importantly, don’t make assumptions or read into things too much. If you can do all of that, you’ll be on your way to a successful long-distance relationship.

I hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thanks for reading!