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10 Fascinating Facts about Pet Rabbits you Didn’t Know

When most people think about pets, the first animals that come to mind are usually cats and dogs. However, rabbits can also make great companions, and there are many interesting facts about these creatures that many people may not be aware of. In this post, we will look at ten different things that you may not have known about rabbits. Read on to learn more!

Female rabbits can have up to 12 babies at a time.

Female rabbits can have up to babies at a time

Rabbits can have a litter of up to 12 babies at one time, though the average litter size is usually between 4 and 6. If you are considering getting a rabbit as a pet, be sure to research the breeds and their average litter size before making your purchase. The time of gestation for a rabbit is about 30 days.

Rabbits are pregnant for approximately 30 days, and the babies will be born fully furred and with their eyes open. They will also be able to run and hop around shortly after birth.

Rabbits kits will be weaned at around four weeks old and can start to be independent. However, it is important to continue to socialize with their litter mates and other people or animals until they are eight weeks old, as this will help them become well-adjusted adults.

Rabbits are social animals.

Rabbits are social animals and should not be kept in isolation. They need to interact with their human companions and other rabbits to be healthy and happy.

They do best when they have companionship. Rabbits that live alone often become bored and depressed, leading to health problems. If you consider getting a rabbit as a pet, be sure that you are prepared to provide them with the companionship they need.

Rabbits are also prey animals, which means that they are naturally fearful of things that may be harmful to them. This means they may be hesitant around strangers and may take a while to warm up to new people.

They are also very active creatures.

Rabbits are not the lazy, inactive creatures many people think they are. In fact, they are quite active and need plenty of space to run and play. A good rule of thumb is to provide them with an enclosure that is at least four times the size of their body.

Rabbits are very curious creatures and love to explore their surroundings. This means they need plenty of toys and activities to keep them amused. Rabbits need to be checked on regularly and should never be left alone for an extended period.

Rabbits are crepuscular, which means animals that are most active at dawn and dusk. And since rabbits are nocturnal, they are typically more active at night than during the day. So, if you are a night owl, you will be the perfect companion for your rabbit!

Rabbits are clean animals.

Contrary to popular belief, rabbits are quite clean animals. They groom themselves regularly and do not need to be bathed very often. Overbathing can be harmful to their skin. However, they still need to be cleaned periodically. This includes brushing their fur and cleaning their enclosure.

Rabbits can be litter box trained; you can teach them to go to the bathroom in a specific area of their enclosure. This can be helpful if you cannot let them out to roam around freely and makes cleaning up after them much easier. Be sure to use a litter box made for rabbits and place it in a quiet, secluded area.

Rabbits can be trained to come when they are called.


Believe it or not, rabbits can be trained to come when they are called. This is accomplished by using positive reinforcement, such as a treat or a toy. Start by calling your rabbit’s name and then giving them a treat when they come to you. Once they have learned their name, you can begin to train them to come when you call them.

In addition to coming when they are called, rabbits can also be taught to perform various tricks. Some of the most popular tricks include sitting up, spinning around, and even jumping through a hoop. You can train your rabbit to do almost anything, as long as you are patient and use positive reinforcement. This is a great way to keep them amused and entertained.

Rabbits are the third most popular pet in the United States, after dogs and cats.

Over 60% of American households have a pet, and out of those pet-owning households, 36% have a rabbit. That means there are over 43 million domestic rabbits in the United States. 

Rabbits are the third most popular pet in the United States, after dogs and cats. This means that there is a good chance that you know someone who has a rabbit as a pet. If you consider getting a rabbit as a pet, be sure to ask your friends and family for advice. They may be able to give you some tips on care and training.

There are a variety of reasons why rabbits make such popular pets. They are relatively low-maintenance, do not require a lot of space, and can be litter box trained. In addition, rabbits are friendly and social animals that can bond with their human companions.

Rabbits can live for up to 12 years and sometimes even longer.

Rabbits can live for up to 12 years and sometimes even longer. This means that they are a long-term commitment. If you consider getting a rabbit as a pet, be sure that you are prepared for the long haul.

This also means that they can be a great pet for people looking for a long-term companion. If you are considering getting a rabbit as a pet, be sure to ask your veterinarian for advice on care and nutrition.

If you are considering getting a rabbit as a pet, be sure to have them spayed or neutered. This is a simple surgical procedure that will help to prevent unwanted litter and will also help to keep your rabbit healthy. Be sure to ask your veterinarian for more information on this important topic.

Rabbits can be fussy eaters.

Sometimes rabbits can be fussy eaters and only eat a limited number of foods. This means it can be difficult to find the right food for them. Be sure to ask your veterinarian for advice on what type of food to feed your rabbit.

 A healthy diet for rabbits includes hay, fresh vegetables, and water and should be supplemented with a few pellets.

Chocolate, apple cores, and other fruit seeds can be toxic to rabbits. This means that you need to be careful about what you feed them. Be sure to ask your veterinarian for a list of safe foods to give your rabbit.

Rabbits are not recommended for households with young children.

Rabbits are not recommended for households with young children

Rabbits are not recommended for households with young children. This is because they can be easily injured by rough handling. In addition, rabbits are delicate animals and can be easily frightened by loud noises.

Although rabbits are not recommended for households with young children, this does not mean that they cannot be good pets for kids. Many kids love taking care of rabbits and enjoy playing with them. If you are considering getting a rabbit as a pet for your child, be sure to ask your veterinarian for advice on care and training.

They come in a wide variety of colors and sizes.

There are many different breeds of rabbits, each with unique personality traits and care needs. They come in a wide variety of colors and sizes. This means that you can find one that is perfect for your home and your lifestyle.

When it comes to size, rabbits can range from less than two pounds to more than 20 pounds. The largest rabbit in the world is the Continental Giant rabbit, which can weigh up to 30 pounds.

Rabbits come in a wide variety of colors, including black, white, brown, gray, and spotted. They can also have different markings, including stripes, patches, and rosettes.

Be sure to do your research before shopping for a rabbit so you know what to look for.


Rabbits make great pets. They are friendly and social animals that can bond with their human companions. In addition, they are relatively low-maintenance and do not require a lot of space. This means that they are perfect for people who are looking for a long-term companion. When it comes to care and nutrition, ask your veterinarian for advice.

If you are considering getting a rabbit as a pet, be sure to do your research first. There are many different breeds of rabbits, each with unique personality traits and care needs. Make sure you find one that is perfect for your home and your lifestyle.

Don’t forget to hug your bunny every day! They will love you for it!