Does the phrase “the camera never lies” ring a bell? Camera phones, digital cameras, and even old-fashioned film cameras can capture amazing photos of your kids. Whether you’re taking a picture of your little one for their first day of school or trying to get that perfect shot for the family Christmas card, we’ve got some tips to help you take amazing photos of your kids. So pull out your camera and get ready to capture some beautiful memories!
Get down to their level.

This is probably the most common tip and one of the most important. Most photos don’t turn out as well as they could simply because parents are taking pictures of their kids from an adult’s point of view.
Next time you want to take a picture, get on the ground and take it from their perspective. To make sure you’re still in the photo and in focus, ask your child to sit on your lap. This will make the picture more personal, show your relationship with your child, and bring back many fun memories in years to come!
Your kid might be two feet tall, but when your perspective is from the top down, they look like a tiny speck in an enormous world. Get down low and take photos up at them to make them appear bigger and more powerful in the photo. Action shots work best for this method!
Want to capture your little one exploring? Put them up on a bench or table to see their entire body. And try to include something in the shot that gives the picture meaning, like an action figure ready for battle, a stuffed animal cuddling with your child, or even their favorite blanket or toy. If you want to capture your little one reading in bed, lay down next to them with your camera to get the perfect angle.
Use natural light whenever possible.
Playing and reading in the sun? Looking for a cute photo of your son brushing his teeth while standing up at the bathroom sink? Next time you’re taking pictures indoors, try using natural light. If it’s too dark, use a lamp or open curtains to let more light into the room.
If you’re looking for a great shot, try using natural light when you take photos outside. The best time to do this is in the morning or late afternoon when the sun is low in the sky. Take advantage of direct sunlight and look for shadows and high contrast to make your photos stand out.
Use a camera with a timer.
You’ve probably taken dozens of pictures of your child sitting still while you fumble with the camera. Don’t get frustrated; instead, use a timer! Whether you set it for three seconds or ten minutes, this will allow you to step back, get in the photo yourself (or even take one of your entire family!), and stay in focus.
A tripod is helpful, too, and can be used to steady your camera and get perfectly focused photos, even when you’re not in the shot! Investing in a good tripod can make it easier for you to capture great pictures of your kids while still focusing on them. This is especially useful if you want to take photos of your child playing with friends or at a school performance.
Instead of asking someone else to take your photo, get in on the action! Take photos of yourself with your kids for memories that will last forever. A tripod or pile of books can hold your camera steady while you pose with (or near) your child for photos that are sure to make everyone involved smile.
Take lots of pictures.

If you’re taking a photo for your holiday card, you have to get it right the first time, right? Wrong! If there’s one thing that trips up most parents trying to capture a great shot of their kids, it’s a limited number of photos.
The more pictures you take, the better the chances are that you’ll get at least one great shot. That being said, don’t snap photo after photo without giving your child a chance to move or change their expression. Make sure they have time to look around, play with toys or stuffed animals, or do something else before you take the following picture.
Kids love to pose for the camera, but there’s no limit to just how many photos you can take of them. Parents often don’t notice their child’s funny little expressions until they look back at their photos later on.
Always take more than one photo of your kids. You never know which ones will turn out perfect!
Adventure time!
Parents aren’t the only ones who love action shots! Kids adore getting in on the action too. If you have a camera with a timer, set it to take multiple pictures so your child can jump, run around, and be themselves as you capture all their crazy antics.
When trying to capture an action shot, like this one of my son playing with his rubber duckies, take a few test snaps with your camera’s timer to ensure everything is in order. You can also place the camera on the tripod and press the shutter button yourself or ask someone else to take a couple of photos for you while you jump into action with your child.
Getting great shots of kids playing outdoors is easy! Outside means plenty of natural light and beautiful spots to take photos. Try placing your child on a swing while you snap some shots, or get in on the fun with a superhero pose.
Capture special moments in everyday life.
Every day, little moments pass by that we parents often don’t think to photograph. Snuggles at bedtime or bath time, snacking time, tickle time, or even getting ready for the day are all occasions to take photos. Capture these moments, and you’ll have pictures of your child that are perfect for holiday cards, birthdays, or any other special occasion.
The most beautiful photos of your children usually come when they least expect them. Whether you’re taking a picture of your daughter making her favorite recipe in the kitchen or snapping a quick selfie with your son right before he goes to bed, capture memories and moments by going on little adventures and exploring new things together. You never know what you’ll find!
Capture genuine expressions.

When your child is busy getting all silly and giggling, you’ll want a photo of that! However, for holiday cards or other special occasions, it’s best to capture portraits of your kids when they’re not clowning around. Kids can be shy in front of the camera at first, but get them into a comfortable setting and just the right mood, and you’ll be able to capture plenty of lovely photos.
Remember that there are no perfect poses when it comes to kids. Keep both eyes on your camera, but don’t worry about how silly their arms look or whether they’re standing like a soldier or sitting like a lady. Unless your child is in danger of slipping into the Christmas tree, let them be natural and move however they feel most comfortable. Most of all, have fun!
Don’t be afraid to experiment.
Anyone can take a photo of their child looking at the camera and smiling. You’ll get more charming shots, though, if you play around with poses and angles. Kids love to look up at the sky or peer out from behind things. Let them do whatever they feel like doing!
Remember that kids don’t always want to listen to their parents. If you tell them to look at the camera, they may be tempted to turn away or give you a cheeky smirk instead of cooperating. Instead of telling your child what to do, ask them about their favorite toy or show them something that interests them.
Be creative with backgrounds!
You don’t need a great background to capture your kid’s attention. A simple bedsheet rolled out on the floor will do quite well. You can also create your own background. If you have a plain white wall, tape some butcher paper to it and use crayons or markers to draw a pattern or your child’s favorite thing.
If there are well-designed backdrops around, why not use them to your advantage? Let your child pose behind a door or in front of a window. Have them sit on the front step or stand next to some blooming flowers. Doors make great props for backdrops, and any other interesting-looking surfaces will do too! If you don’t have anything like that around, place your child against a solid-colored backdrop.
Don’t have any butcher paper? Cut up old cardboard boxes into pieces and create your own background. Try using a photo booth app on your phone or tablet to add cute borders to your photos for some extra fun.
Capture your child’s unique style.

Kids usually love playing dress-up, especially on special occasions. You’ll want to capture these moments when they’re looking cute and dressed up for a holiday or birthday party. Sometimes, they’ll want to be a princess and, other times, a superhero! Let them do whatever makes them feel good and capture those unique moments on film.
If your child isn’t very keen on dressing up for photoshoots, you can still do some things to make those photos memorable. You can still get great shots if your child is wearing a favorite outfit or their element of choice. Turn the camera around and take a selfie with them or capture them posing in front of their favorite toy.
Kids are as unique as fingerprints. They’ll dress in a crazy combination or wear their hair in an exciting style. You may want to capture those moments and preserve them for their future.
You can take great photos of your kids with these tips. The next time you’re looking for a new photo idea, consider one of the following techniques to get that perfect shot-or to use them as inspiration for your next shoot!
Thanks for reading!

Dive into the insights of Matthew Mansour, a seasoned life coach, fitness guru, and health mentor. With a portfolio boasting over 800 thought-provoking articles, Matthew is passionate about unraveling the intricate layers of the human psyche. His reading choices? Books that shed light on our unique human journey, helping him (and his readers) harness the power of the mind, transforming challenges into stepping stones.
Matthew proudly wears his badge as a self-help aficionado. His mantra? There’s always room to grow, learn, and be inspired. He thrives on gleaning wisdom from pioneers, turning their experiences into valuable lessons for all.
Always on the pulse of emerging trends, Matthew immerses himself in groundbreaking courses and research centered around life coaching and holistic health. Eager to impart his knowledge, he’s here to guide anyone keen on enhancing their life journey.
Beyond his professional persona, Matthew is a devoted animal lover, a proud New Jersey resident, and a doting husband and father. Dive into his self-improvement blog and let Matthew guide you towards a life filled with purpose and passion!
Reviewed By: Joanna Perez and Marcella Raskin
Edited By: Lenny Terra
Fact Checked By: Gabrielle J. Smith
Photos Taken or Curated By: Matthew Mansour