Hamsters are one of the most popular small pets, and for a good reason – they’re adorable, playful, and relatively easy to care for. If you’re thinking about adding a hamster to your family, here’s what you need to know to make sure they have a happy home.
Hamsters are quiet and nocturnal.
One of the most popular small pets, hamsters are appealing for many reasons – they’re small, cute, and relatively easy to care for.
While hamsters require a bit more maintenance than other popular small pets such as fish or turtles, they’re still reasonably low-maintenance animals for their size.

However, one potential downside to owning a hamster is that its nocturnal nature means that it can be loud at night.
This means you might hear hamsters running on their wheel or playing loudly with toys for most owners. Owning a hamster may not be a good idea if you’re a light sleeper. However, if you like nocturnal pets or sleep in another room of your house during the day, hamsters are an excellent choice.
Fortunately, there are several things you can do to keep your hamster quiet at night. Investing in a hamster wheel or other exercise equipment for your pet can help keep them busy during the day. If you’re planning to purchase one of these items, make sure you buy it before bringing your hamster home. Also, check with your neighbors beforehand to ensure they won’t be disturbed by any noises, and install some nocturnal pet covers to keep your hamster’s activities private.
There are several different types of habitats.
One of the most appealing aspects of owning a hamster is their size – they’re relatively small creatures, which means you can keep them in a relatively small habitat.
Like the popular Habitrail tubes, clay habitats are used by many hamster owners because they are inexpensive, easy to clean, and an ideal size for most hamsters. However, some owners feel that this habitat is not the best option for their pets since they’re likely to chew on the plastic.
Another popular type of habitat is the glass aquarium. Since these habitats are made of sturdy, heavy glass, they’re more difficult for hamsters to chew up. However, aquariums are not very aesthetically pleasing to many owners.
You can also use other types of habitats for your hamster, including custom-built habitats, as long as the habitat is relatively spacious and has plenty of room for accessories.
Make sure you choose a habitat appropriate for your hamster’s size. If the habitat is too small, your hamster may feel threatened by their environment and become aggressive.
Keep in mind that hamsters can escape from even relatively secure habitats, so you should take steps to keep your pet safe and secure.
Hamsters are fun.
Hamsters are fascinating creatures to watch, and they can be pretty playful.
Some hamster owners enjoy engaging in interactive play with their pets. You can use toys to engage in both solo and cagemate play and then watch your hamster at play.
If you don’t have time to engage in interactive play with your hamster, there are also several options for toys you can use to keep your pet busy when you’re not available. For example, many owners give their hamsters balls or wheels to play with, making sure the toys are available when they’re not around to supervise.
You can also try creating a few toys using things you have around your home. Old tissue boxes, paper towel rolls, and other household items make ideal toys for hamsters.
Hamsters are clean.

One of the most appealing aspects of owning a hamster is its cleanliness.
Hamsters are spotless animals, and they usually do not require the same type of maintenance as other small pets such as cats or dogs.
However, this cleanliness does not mean that they can take care of themselves! You will still need to provide your hamster with regular cage cleanings, and you should also brush your hamster to keep its hair healthy.
Hamsters love to dig.
If you have a sand-type substrate in your hamster’s habitat, there is an increased chance that your hamster will ingest some of that substrate. In addition, the sand can irritate your hamster’s digestive system.
To maintain a clean and healthy habitat, you should use aspen shavings as the primary substrate for your hamster’s habitat. You can cover the bottom of the habitat with a few inches of aspen shavings, and you should change them regularly. You can also use paper towels as a substrate until your hamster is old enough to handle aspen shavings.
Hamsters are safe for kids over 8.
Despite some common misconceptions, hamsters are very easy pets to care for and can make great additions to homes with children.
As long as you supervise your child and help them handle the hamster properly, it’s perfectly safe to let your child interact with a pet hamster.
Your children can help you understand how to care for the hamster; a hamster can be a wonderful pet for kids.
Many owners believe that there are some benefits to owning a hamster as a pet for children, including the following:
- Hamsters are easy to care for. They require little attention, and they are unlikely to cause any injury to children or owners.
- When properly cared for, hamsters are relatively safe pets for kids (8 years old or more) to handle. These animals are not venomous and generally only bite if they feel threatened.
- Hamsters are quiet pets. While some hamsters can create a bit of noise, most owners describe their hamsters as tranquil animals.
- Hamsters can be low-maintenance pets, and they make good companions for children.
Is a hamster the right pet for your family? Check out this article for more info.
Hamsters are social.

If you’ve ever watched a hamster play, rest, or eat, you may have noticed that the animal seems to spend a great deal of time interacting with other hamsters.
Hamsters are very social animals, and they enjoy spending time with others of their kind.
Because hamsters are social animals, they do best when kept in pairs. If you only have one hamster, it will get lonely and feel stressed.
To ensure your hamster is happy, it’s a good idea to purchase a pair of hamsters during your initial purchase.
Once you have your hamsters, make sure they are of the same sex and the same age. You want to avoid introducing hamsters of different ages, as they may not get along.
When you bring your hamsters home, put them into the same habitat and let them get to know each other in a safe environment.
You should also provide them with a wheel and hide-aways to make them feel comfortable.
If you notice any aggression, separate the hamsters and try again another time.
Hamsters are social, but they may not always enjoy spending time with each other without you being there to support them.
Hamsters are active animals.
One of the best things about owning a hamster is that these animals need very little time and energy to care for them.
As long as you provide your hamster with a large enough habitat and a healthy diet, your hamster is unlikely to cause you any trouble.
In fact, in addition to being good pets for kids, hamsters are also great pets for people who work long hours or those who don’t like having a lot of “stuff” around the house.
Hamsters are very active animals, and they enjoy spending most of their days exploring their habitats, resting, and playing.
It’s important to note that hamsters are nocturnal animals. This means they spend most of the day sleeping and are only up at night.
Because of this, you’ll likely notice that your hamster is most active when you’re sleeping – although there may be times when your hamster is playing and running around during the day as well.
They eat a variety of simple foods.

Hamsters can eat a variety of different things, including fruits and vegetables.
It’s generally best to provide your hamster with a diet that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates.
Many owners mix different seeds, grains, and fruit to create an ideal hamster diet.
You should also place pieces of vegetables, fruits, and leaves into your hamster’s habitat.
You should avoid feeding your hamster any chocolate, and you should only give your hamster small pieces of food at a time to avoid any issues with your hamster swallowing something that might get stuck in its throat.
They are affordable.
Caring for a hamster is relatively easy, and most hamsters are inexpensive to purchase.
While some types of hamsters are more challenging to care for than others, most types of hamsters are very low-maintenance and won’t require a lot of your time or money.
Because they don’t need to be walked outside and have simple dietary needs, hamsters are a great pet for people who want a furry companion but don’t have much time to dedicate to their pet.
Many types of hamsters are available, including Syrian hamsters, dwarf hamsters, and fancy hamsters. The most common type of hamster is the Syrian, or golden, hamster – which comes in various colors.
Syrian hamsters are very social and enjoy the company of other hamsters. Most types of hamsters, including Syrian hamsters, live anywhere from two to three years and begin showing signs of illness at a young age.
Owning a hamster can be very rewarding, as these animals are curious and capable of bonding with their owners.
While the initial purchase may cost a little more than you expect, the overall cost of owning a hamster is low when compared to other pets.
Hamsters are nocturnal, which means they are only active at night, but they’re unlikely to be loud or destructive while you sleep.
And hamsters are very low-maintenance, meaning they’re an easy pet to care for even if you have a busy schedule.
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Discover the dynamic world through the eyes of Joanna Perez: a celebrated Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Practitioner and an ardent blogger. Not just a writer, Joanna is also an explorer, partner, and a proud mother. Her expertise goes beyond penning thoughts on parenting, health, and lifestyle; she’s also a certified Women Empowerment Life Coach. With training in Life Mastery, Health, Happiness, and Success, she’s equipped to guide you through life’s complexities. Her dedication to education shines as she’s dived deep into the realms of Neuroscience for Parents and completed the Skilled Helper Training Course.
Reviewed By: Anna West and Brenda Tillman
Edited By: Lenny Terra
Fact Checked By: Marcella Raskin
Photos Taken or Curated By: Matthew Mansour