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Home » 10 Things You Must Know About Caring For A Parakeet

10 Things You Must Know About Caring For A Parakeet

If you’re considering getting a pet parakeet, it’s essential to know how to take care of him properly. These little birds can be fun and entertaining companions, but they require much attention and regular care. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the basics of taking care of a parakeet so that you can be sure your new friend is happy and healthy. Thanks for reading!

Provide a Healthy Environment for Your Parakeet.

Provide a Healthy Environment for Your Parakeet

Parakeets are happiest and healthiest when they live in a large enough space. The ideal home for your pet has an area where he can fly around, at least 16 by 16 inches of space, with plenty of room to perch on the side.

You also want to make sure that there are no screens or other materials that the bird could chew on. Parakeet’s teeth grow all their life, and they need something to chew on (like wood or mineral blocks) to wear them down gradually. If they don’t have anything like this, then you’ll end up with a parakeet with extremely long teeth, which can be uncomfortable for him.

Parakeets are social birds, so you’ll need to have more than one to keep them happy. They grow to be about 10 inches long and weigh around 2 ounces. Be sure your parakeet’s cage is the right size. In general, bigger is better when it comes to parakeet cages. If you can’t spare a lot of space, two medium-sized cages work well for a pair of birds.

You should also use the vertical space in the cage to your advantage. For example, you could install several shelves that your parakeet can climb on or perch near the top of the cage.

Feed Your Parakeet a Healthy Diet.

What does your parakeet eat? Be sure you know what to feed him and how much he should be eating. Parakeets will eat pellets such as these, along with seeds, fruits, and vegetables.

Make sure the pieces are small enough for him to swallow easily and that there aren’t any seeds or pits in them. Green beans, carrots, and peas are good treats for your pet parakeet. It’s always a good idea to avoid giving him chocolate, sugary foods, dairy products (like milk), or anything spicy. These foods can cause upset stomachs and digestive problems.

It’s also important to avoid feeding your parakeet anything that might be moldy or stale. Microorganisms like bacteria and fungi grow on old, spoiled foods that make your pet sick.

Also, some fruits and vegetables naturally contain small amounts of toxins (like oxalic acid). It’s best not to feed him more than one of these per day.

Clean Your Parakeet’s Cage Weekly.

It’s essential to clean the cage weekly so that your pet doesn’t live in a dirty environment with droppings, old food, or anything else unsanitary. Before you start cleaning, be sure to put your pet into his travel carrier. Put on some rubber gloves and then use a disinfectant spray to clean the cage.

Make sure you get in all of the corners, remove any cobwebs or dust bunnies that might be hanging around, and wipe down any perches that he likes to stand on. Also, empty all of the old food and droppings. These can quickly spread disease and make your parakeet sick.

Once you’re done, you can put the new cage paper on the bottom of the cage, add some fresh food and water dishes, and you’re all set.

Give Your Parakeet a Bath Once in a While.

Parakeets love bathing, and they’ll sing and chirp in the shower. Hold your pet under a warm, running faucet and let him soak for about five minutes. While he’s in the shower, use a spray bottle to get any dust or dirt off of his feathers.

Parakeets spend a lot of time preening their feathers, and the shower helps get rid of any molting dust. Bathing your parakeet can also help prevent him from getting sick.

Make Sure Your Parakeet Gets Plenty of Exercise.

Make Sure Your Parakeet Gets Plenty of Exercise

Parakeets are very active pets, and they don’t like sitting around for hours at a time. So be sure to give your pet plenty of exercise and toys to play with. You can put a couple of perches in the cage that your parakeet can use to climb around. You could also put in a couple of different perches and swings for him to hang out on. If you have a play gym, then that works well too.

And don’t forget about his exercise needs once he’s outside the cage. You’ll need to provide your pet with plenty of space so that he can fly and climb around as much as he likes.

Buy Him Some Toys!

Parakeets are active pets, so you’ll need to give them plenty of toys to play with. Some birds love wooden toys to chew on, while others might prefer bells or swings. Think about your pet’s personality and needs, and then buy him some toys that fit his preferences.

Don’t give your pet anything small enough to swallow as a toy, though. Parakeets are good at swallowing things whole. Also, make sure the toys are clean before giving them to him.

Make Sure Your Parakeet Gets Plenty of Attention.

Parakeets are very social pets, so he must get plenty of attention regularly. Don’t be afraid to pick him up and snuggle with him or handle his wings so he gets used to being handled.

You can also put him on your shoulder and let him look around the room. If you have a play gym, sit with him and talk to him while he plays.

You might even consider getting another pet, like a dog or cat, for your parakeet to play with. Parakeets can become very lonely if left alone for long periods, so being social is vital to your pet’s well-being.

Remember to Watch Out for Weather Changes!

Parakeets can tolerate most normal weather changes, but some of them can affect your pet’s health. If you live in a region where it gets too hot during the summer, make sure you keep your pet in a cool and well-ventilated area. Also, give him plenty of water to drink so he’ll stay hydrated.

And if you live in a region where there’s snow on the ground, then you’ll need to keep your parakeet indoors. Just like people, parakeets can catch a cold or flu if they’re not careful during the wintertime. So make sure you keep your parakeet safe and warm, and don’t take him outside when it’s cold or rainy.

Even if your parakeet doesn’t come from a cold region, it’s still important to watch out for weather changes. Parakeets can catch colds and other diseases if they’re not careful, so make sure your pet gets plenty of rest and exercise.

Make Sure Your Parakeet Uses His Litter Box.

Make Sure Your Parakeet Uses His Litter Box

Most parakeets are very clean pets, so they’ll use their litter box when they have to go to the bathroom. But sometimes, your pet might decide he doesn’t want to use his litter box anymore.

If you find that your parakeet is not using his litter box, you might need to use some other method of getting rid of the pet’s waste.

You can use paper towels or baby wipes to clean up the waste and then go back to using the litter box once your parakeet starts using it again.

You might also want to consider moving the litter box to a different location. Sometimes parakeets don’t like a dirty litter box, so cleaning it up every day might help your pet start using it again.

Also, consider switching around your parakeet’s litter. If your pet is used to a specific type of litter or substrate, he might not want to use the box if it’s been changed.

Parakeets are very clean pets, and most of them love to use their litter box. But if your pet suddenly stops using it, then you might need to take some time to figure out what’s going on.

Some final tips.

Parakeets like to chew on things (aren’t they cute?!), so make sure you don’t leave any wires or strings anywhere. Also, make sure your pet doesn’t chew on anything besides his toys, like the cage bars or perches. If it’s too late and your parakeet already ate some of the cages, immediately take him to a vet.

Parakeets are picky eaters, and they often don’t like to eat what you give them. So try to experiment with different types of food and treats. Some parakeets love seeds, others love fruits and vegetables, while others prefer pellets or nuts. Keep trying until you find out what your pet likes, and then give it to him!

If you don’t have a play gym or anything else for your pet to climb and play on, you must get one if you want your bird to be happy. Parakeets can become very bored without them. But if you’re strapped for cash, you can give him good old-fashioned toys to play with.

How to take Care of a Parakeet | Budgie [Beginner's Guide to Pet Birds]


With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to keep your parakeet happy and healthy. Remember to do your research before buying any pet, including a parakeet, so you know exactly what needs to be done to take care of it.

I hope this article has helped answer your questions about parakeet care. If it hasn’t, please leave a comment, and I’ll see what I can do. Have fun! 🙂